HBSA Journal Volume 2 (1988 – 1998)
President’s Address: effects of Hungerford, Criminal Justice Bill, White Paper
Max Baker “Yachting Monthly” article about wildfowling, guns by Holland & Holland, Bland, wildfowling shot sizes, punt gun cartridges, Four bore shotgun and rifle cases, Kynoch and Eley, Kynoch tool for recapping CF Sporting Cartridges, standard wadding sizes, Kynoch catalogue 1881
System Roux mechanism
The Martin Lens Sight
Parker-Hale Universal Optical Sight Set
ISBN 978-1-326-42877-8
President’s Address: deactivation of firearms, Firearms (Amendment) Act 1988, Home Office “Notes for Guidance”
Editorial: Pistol’89, Pattern Room Collection removal,
Hammond of Winchester: Isaac Hammond, Edwin & Henry Hammond, 1866 1871 1878 shotgun patents
Images from Royal Smallarms Factory, Enfield
Soper 2: William Soper, 1865 patent for pinfire and centrefire breech-loading mechanism, reprinted article about Soper Rifle,
BSA Martini Rifles: catalogue reprints – No.6 No.12 No.13 No.15
Wasted Millions: article from the Kynoch Journal 1905 for better military procurement
ISBN 978-1-326-42880-8
President’s Address – Firearms Amendment Act 1988, Health & Safety Executive control of explosives, European Firearms Heritage Symposium, HBSA membership structure
Editorial: New Journal editor
Revolver Shooting 1888-1889 by Richard Milner
Correspondence (1888-1889) to the Editor of “Shooting”, South London Rifle Club, Bland’s new pistol, Walter Winans, .455 and .380 calibres, military revolver competitions, Colt’s .500 Lightning Express, Webley Government model p1889 revolver, Webley WG
Book Reviews by DJ Penn & JB Bell: The British Shotgun Volume Two 1871-1890 by Crudington & Baker, English translation of Cartridges for Breechloading Rifles 1868 by Mattenheimer
Soper 3 by J Bell: Soper Ammunition,
Maps by Jim Hallam: NRA Wimbledon Meeting 1889, Wimbledon 1940, Woolwich Arsenal, Woolwich Arsenal Range, Eley Cartridge Works at Lea River Valley,
William Tranter’s Patent AD1868 by JB Bell
GE Lewis Catalogue 1894: Remnants of Loaded Cartridges
Rifles for Germany 1873 by National Arms and Ammunition Company
ISBN 978-1-326-42882-2
President’s Address – Metford letters, Henry Halford
Editorial: new Editor
The Development of Breechloading Target Rifles in Germany from 1885 to 1935 by Elmar Weigand Bund, Aydt action target rifle, Udo Anschutz, Neumann in Suhl
The 11.43mm Turkish Peabody-Martini model 1871 Infantry Rifle by Bill Harriman, Historical background, seige of Plevna, physical characteristics, cartridges, appraisal
The Metford Letters March 1878
Book Reviews: Gun Digest (1991) 45th edition, Waffen-SS Uniforms in Colour Photographs by Steven & Amodio
ISBN 978-1-326-42884-6
The Sharps in England 1853-1881 by De Witt Bailey PhD
Part 1 Percussion rifles, Sub-Committee on Smallarms 1854, School of Musketry Hythe 1855, Sharps Breechloading Carbine, testing and accuracy, Ordnance Select Committee
Borchardt’sche Selbstlade Pistole by Dr GL Sturgess, Early history, Loewe & Luger, DWM, The Borchardt C93 Pistol, prototypes, Loewe production, DWM production, Military Trials, Borchardt Ammunition, Patents
The Metford Letters 1878
ISBN 978-1-326-42887-7
Maxim’s pistols by Dr. GL Sturgess
Initial designs, British Patents 1885 & 1886, the .45″ M.P. cartridge, later pistols Maxim & Silverman’s 1896 patent, surviving pistols,conclusion
The mysterious JJ marks by Mr R Milner
JJ marks on English retailed Colt pistols and revolvers
R.K.Wilson and the Schoenberger-Laumann by Mr CL Bryant
Laumann’s Mechanical Repeating Pistol, the arrival of true automaticity, Laumann’s Self-loading Mechanism, The Laumann Self-loading Pistol, the Schoenberger-Laumann, Ammunition, a Rival Claim, Dimensions of Laumann & Schoenberger Pistols, Conclusion, A note on RK Wilson
The .455″ Cartridge in British Service by C Valentine
First Article, introduction of the .450″ up to .455″ Mk 1
Patents for Inventions, Class 119 (Small-Arms) 1855 – 1929
Book Reviews, Markku Palokangas: Sotilaskasiaseet Soumessa 1918-88 by Arms Historic Society of Finland 1991, The Lee Enfield Number 1 Rifles and The Lee Enfield Number 4 Rifles (Excalibur Publications) by Petrillo
The Metford Letters 1878
ISBN 978-1-326-42890-7
The BSA Pistols by Dr GL Sturgess
least successful BSA project, .45 ACP .34 Belted .32 ACP pistols, BSA Pistol Ammunition, Conclusion
Book Reviews: Military Handguns of France 1858-1958 by Medlin & Huon, The Owen Gun by Wardman
The Sharps in England 1853-1896 by DW Bailey PhD
Part II: The Metallic Cartridge Period, Tipping & Lawden’s (and Webley’s) Licensed Copies 1860-1879, The New Model 1866, The 1867 Ordnance Select Committee Trials, Design Developments 1868-1877, Sir Henry Halford and His Sharps, Model 1878 or Sharps-Borchardt, The Webley Connection, The Sharps Shotgun, The English Catalogue, Frank Hyde, Conclusion
The Vernier/Ventometer Sight Gauges by Major George Geear
Manufacturer’s Instructions on How to Use the Vernier 1889, Parker’s New Vernier and Wind Gauge
The Metford Letters 1878
ISBN 978-1-326-42893-8
The Royal Arsenal Woolwich by Wesley Harry
history, the Beresford Gate, the Cadet’s Quarters, Verbruggen’s House, The Main Guardhouse, Dial Square, The Royal Laboratory, The Royal Brass Foundry, Riverside Guardhouses, The Great Storehouses, Royal Arsenal Officers’ Mess, Mallet’s Mortar, The Chemical Laboratory, The Wellington Memorial,The Shell Foundry, The Central Offices, the Royal Arsenal Railway, Middle Gate House, Machinery, The Departments
Obituary: John Walgrave Halford Fremantle, fourth Baron Cottesloe (1900-1994) by Dr Christopher Roads
The Farquharson Extractor by Molly Milner, The Farquharson Patent Breech-loading Action, letters to “The Field” 1873
Book Reviews: The 100 Greatest Combat Pistols by Mullin, Canadian Military Handguns 1855-1985 by Law, Military Bolt Action Rifles 1841-1918 by Webster, The REmington-Lee Rifle by Myszkawski, The Number 5 Jungle Carbine by Petrillo, The ‘Montenegrin’ Revolver by McDowell
The Metford Letters 1879-80
The Gabbett-Fairfax Mars Pistols by Dr GL Sturgess
Patents 1895-6, The First Mars Syndicate, Transitional Designs 1898, The Webley Collaboration, Model 1900 Mars Pistol, Model 1905 Mars Pistol, Military Trials, Gabbett-Fairfax and the Mars Auromatic Pistol Syndicate, Mars Ammunition, The Hamal Mystery
ISBN 978-1-326-42895-2
President’s Address, new President’s Cup for scholarship in arms research, safeguarding national heritage
Zundnadelgewehr M/41 Original of the Species by Leonard & Guy AR West
History, 1866 1870, production and issue, action described, loading the rifle, air-chamber, needle, sights, Beck System, Accessories, stripping, Ammunition, Shooting, Handling
Charles Dunlop Tracy by Stuart Tallack & Jonathan Moore
manuals Revolver Shooting in War and The Service Revolver and How to Use It, history, Army School of Musketry
The Metford Letters 1881
Book Reviews: A Treatise on the British Military Martini Manufacture Training Arms & Accessories by Temple & Skennerton, Drill and Rifle Instruction for the Corps of Rifle Volunteers, British Machine Gun Cartridges 0.4-0.65 inch Calibres 1870-1905 by Temple, World War 1 Armaments and the .303 Cartridge by Temple, The Art of Shooting with the Rifle by Halford, London Gunmakers and the English Duelling Pistol 1770-1830 by Dill, French 1935 Pistols by Medlin & Doane, Aids to Musketry for Officers and NCOs by Friend
The Last Rolling Block: Remington’s No.5 Rifles and Carbines by Bill Harriman
From Borchardt to Parabellum: an Anglo-Swiss Connection by Dr GL Sturgess
Swiss Self-Loading Pistol Trials 1893-7, Luger’s Design and Transitional Patents, Swiss Trial 1898, Grand Trial 1899, Final 1899 Troop Trials, Adoption 1900, Model 1899 Trials prototypes, British Trials Connection, Anglo-Swiss Connection, Production and Distribution
ISBN 978-1-326-42896-9
Editorial: researching mock duelling, research resources, new Journal feature to review classic books on arms
The Mock Duel by Jean-Pierre Bastie, Devillers, Gastinne-Renette range, wax cartridges, protective clothing, duelling clubs, Combat Shooting with the Pistol, the weapons, ammunition
What is FESAC?
Historical Firearm Patents as a Source of Information by Stephen Van Dulken, Basic Patent Procedure, Searching for a Patent Number, Searching for a Name or a Subject, Litigation, Registered Designs, Great Britain, United States, France, Belgium, Germany
Obituary – John Blakeborough Bell (1917-1996) by Christopher Roads
The Metford Letters 1881
Book Reviews: Hull’s Military Breechloaders by Schmidt, Gun Tools: Their History and Identification Vol 2 by Dorsey & Shaffer, Colt .45 Government Models (Commercial Series) 1912 through 1970 by Clawson, Testing the War Weapons by Mullin, The Three Rifles by Young, U.S.Handguns of World War II – the SEcondary Pistols and Revolvers by Pate, The Bayonet in France by Goldstein
Revolver Shooting, from a notebook made by 2nd Lt.WN Libby at NRA School of Musketry Bisley 1918
The Bibliography of ALA Himmelwright by Edward Leslie
ISBN 978-1-326-42897-6