The Mock Duel by Jean-Pierre Bastie Devillers – the right man at the right time, wax ball patent, history of the sport of the mock duel, catalogue pages, combat shooting with the pistol, the weapons, ammunition, the Devillers cartridges, the Gabet ‘Mock Duel’ cartridges.
Historical Firearms Patents as a source of information by Stephen van Dulken, basic patent procedure, searching for a patent number, searching for a name, searching for a subject, litigation, registered designs, Great Britain patents, United States patents, French patents, Belgian patents, German patents, Austrian patents, further research.
John Blakeborough Bell 6 February 1917-17 August 1996, Obituary by Christopher Roads
The Metford Letters May 1881 – August 1881
Book Reviews ‘Hall’s Military Breechloaders’ by Peter A. Schmidt Andrew Mowbray Incorporated 1996. ‘Gun Tools: Their History and Identification’ Volume 2 by R. Stephen Dorsey and James B. Shaffer. Collector’s Library 1997. ‘Colt .45 Government Models (Commercial Series) 1912 throughout 1970’ by Charles W. Clayson 1996. ‘Testing War Weapons’ by Timothy J. Mullin Paladin Press. ‘The Three Rifles’ by Major Stamford Sheridan Young. W.S. Curtis (Publishers) Ltd 1997. ‘U.S. Handguns of World War 2 – The Secondary Pistols and Revolvers’ by Charles W. Pate. Andrew Mowbray Publishers 1998. ‘The Bayonet in New France’ by Erik Goldstein, Historical arms Series No. 35, Museum Restoration Service.
Revolver Shooting from a notebook made by 2nd Lt. W.N. Libby at a Course of Instruction Nov. 9-15th, 1918, at N.R.A. School of Musketry, Bisley.
The Bibliography of A.L.A. Himmelwright by Edward Leslie