Shooter Certification Cards (SCCs)
HBSA Sponsored NRA Shooter Certification Cards (SCCs)
On 1 January 2019, the NRA introduced a new system that replaced the Club-issued SCCs with a plastic NRA Photo-card. SCCs certify shooters as being safe and competent to shoot only with the categories of firearms shown on the reverse of their card.
To shoot unsupervised (i.e. without RO designated one-to-one supervision) on MoD/Defence Estate Ranges, and at the National Shooting Centre (Bisley), all shooters must be in possession of a valid SCC card. The SCC card must be carried at all times and be produced, along with Club Membership Cards, on demand. This is a mandatory MoD and NRA requirement.
All NRA affiliated club-sponsored SCC cards must renewed (reapplied for) annually. All requests for SCC issue or renewal should be addressed to the Hon. Secretary
Ultimate responsibility for all matters related to SCCs rests with the Association’s Chairman.
Firearm Categories
The HBSA normally only certifies members in the categories that it shoots. These are:
- Iron Sighted Rifle
- Telescope Sighted Rifle
- Gallery Rifle/Carbine
Additional categories may be applied for but only on production of relevant proof of certification and assessment in those categories. Heritage Pistol (7.3) is handled separately under specific arrangements.
An SCC is only valid whilst you remain a fully paid-up member of HBSA, and HBSA remains your nominated Primary Club. Failure to renew your HBSA Membership, or nominating another full-bore club as your Primary Club, will invalidate your HBSA-sponsored card, which must be returned to HBSA Secretary for destruction. Your new Primary Club must apply to the NRA to have a replacement card issued in its name.
Your NRA SCC shooter number acts as confirmation that you have been certified in the above categories.
Your SCC card covers a maximum period of 12 months, expiring each year at midnight on 31 December.
SCC Charges
HBSA-sponsored annual SCCs are currently supplied without charge to Full Members who are also full members of the NRA. The HBSA must pay the NRA a capitation charge for those who are not full NRA members, and will recover that charge. Updating (i.e. adding additional firearm categories) is currently free of charge, though replacement of lost cards may incur a cost.
MoD & NRA Checks
Both MoD and NRA Staff conduct random checks of both Club Membership cards and SCCs. Failure to produce your SCC when asked may result in your removal from the range, and risks further sanction of both yourself and the HBSA.
Any changes to your SCC data (i.e. updated personal or firearms information) should be notified as soon as possible. Remember that, if you request that further firearms categories are added to your SCC, you must send the HBSA Secretary proof to support your certification in that firearm type.
Personal Circumstances
We would generally expect you to attend a minimum of 3 x HBSA shoots, including competing in at least one HBSA or NRA competition annually, or be an in-date NRA RCO (or NRA trained Club Instructor) to qualify for a club sponsored SCC. However, if your personal or work situation makes this difficult, please speak to theSecretary. It is a personal responsibility to notify either the Chairman, or the Secretary of the Association, in writing, of any changes to your circumstances (i.e. medical condition), that could impact upon your safe shooting, or certification in the categories shown on your SCC.
HBSA is NRA-Certified to conduct both NRA approved training and SCC Assessments. Before an SCC can be applied for, each individual must pass the NRA Safety and Awareness Competency Assessment. This consists of the following tests:
- Knowledge & understanding of range safety
- Proving a firearm is clear
- Misfire procedure
- Loading, firing & unloading
- Emergency stop
- Handling & accuracy
HBSA also requires its members to achieve a 12” group at 100 yards.
Please note that it is an individual responsibility of HBSA members requiring a HBSA-sponsored SCC to initiate this process and provide the relevant application form to the Association Secretary by the specified application date (usually 1st October).