Presidents Address – Comment on draft European firearms legislation and HSE proposals for control of explosives including small arms propellants.
Editorial –Â Welcoming Brian Bergman Field as new editor, Thanks to contributors
Revolver Shooting 1888-1889 Correspondence to Editor of “Shooting” by Richard Milner, Walter Winans, Comments on Bland’s new Pistol by W. Charles Lancaster, New Arms .500 Lightning Express, F. E. Bennett, English and American Revolvers, Revolver Shooting.
Book Reviews by D.J. Penn and J.B. Bell ‘The British Shotgun’ vol 2 1871-1890 by I.M. Crudgington and D.J. Baker, ‘Cartridges for Breechloading Rifles’ A. Mattenheimer 1868 translated by Robert A. Hoyem.
Soper 3 by J.B. Bell. A discussion of Soper Ammunition, Description of ammunition with images.
Maps by Jim Hallam. Map 1 Wimbledon 4th National Rifle Association meeting 1864, Map 2 Wimbledon late 1940, Map 3 Workshops at Woolwich Arsenal, Map 4 Woolwich Arsenal Ranges, Map 5 Eley’s cartridge works.
William Tranters Patent AD 1868 by J.B. Bell
G.E. Lewis Catalogue 1894
Rifles for Germany, 31 October 1873 National Arms and Ammunition Company Prussian Government contract for 150,000 Rifles