Members will be aware from the calendar that our next Mini McQueen shoot will take place on Sunday the 9th October 2022 on Time Limit range at Bisley.
This is a .22RF practice at 50 yds being a miniature version of the normal McQueen. 2 sighters and 10 to count. You will need a rifle with a 10 round magazine or fast single loader and a telescope of not less than x 4 power. The paddles are very small! Your rifle should preferably be already zeroed at 50 yds (zero at 20 yds is very close).
Two “castles” are set up, so two shooters each detail, which takes approximately 15 minutes. Shooting starts at 09.00.
More details and Booking online here >>> Range Fee is £15 for a half day with 2 shoots. Don’t forget your FAC and SCC.
Given that there will be limited places if everyone is to get a minimum of two goes please go on line and pay and book your place as soon as possible.