US Navy 1894 Flare Pistol

01. Original name US Navy 1894 Flare Pistol  
02. Other official names U.S.Navy Model of 1894  
03. Popular names   
04. Chamberings 10 gauge (19.6mm)  
05. Designed by Ordnance Depot, Washington Navy Yard  
06. Design date 1894 as evolution of 1882 model  
07. In service date(s)   
08. Adopted by US Navy  
09. Production quantities   
10. Mechanism Brass frame, steel barrel sleeve. Spur trigger, thumb cocked single action. Barrel latch under frame.   
11. Weight 2.4lb  
12. Mountings   
13. Practicality in action   
14. Comments / Other information Similar to US Navy model 1882 with barrel changed to 10 gauge by the insertionof a steel sleeve inside brass barrel