Adopted by Russia as the Winchester Rifle model 1915
03. Popular names
Winchester Model 1895
04. Chamberings
7.62 x 54R, 30-40 Krag, 7.92 x 57, .303 British, .30-03, .30-06 Springfield, .35WCF, .38-72 WCF, .40-72 WCF, .405 Winchester
05. Designed by
John Moses Browning
06. Design date
This rifle evolved from the Winchester 1886, 1892 and 1894 rifles replacing the tubular magazine with a box magazine
07. In service date(s)
08. Adopted by
Russia, Estonia, Finland, Spain, Mexico
09. Production quantities
10. Mechanism
Lever action, 5 round magazine
11. Weight
8lbs 11ozs
12. Mountings
Winchester 1895 bayonet
13. Practicality in action
14. Comments / Other information
Between 1915 and 1917 approximately 300,000 M1895’s were manufactured for the army of the Russian Empire, accounting for about 70% of total production of the rifles prior to 1936 when the M1895 was discontinued. Chambered in 7.62×54mmR, these versions were unusual for a lever-action rifle in that they also had a charger guide, allowing the M1895 rifle to be reloaded by the same charger clips used in the Mosin–Nagant bolt-action rifle. Rifles made for the Russian contract had a longer than standard barrel fitted with an extended forestock and bayonet lug. Initial delivery of the rifles was delayed because adaptation to Russian standards, particularly the charger guide, proved more difficult than expected. Additional delays resulted from incompetent and obstructive Russian inspectors. Russia issued many of their Winchester Model 1895 rifles to troops from Finland and the Baltic states, especially the Latvian Riflemen. At least 9,000 Model 1895 rifles are known to have been provided by the Soviet Union in 1936 to the Spanish Republicans for use in the Spanish Civil War.