posted 5 May 2019, 18:44 by Tony Cattermole [ updated 5 May 2019, 18:44 ]
The 2019 McQueen Contest was shot this morning on Short Siberia at 200 yds. The Results can be viewed here >>>>
The weather was cold to start with light wind. The sun making an appearance later becoming a very pleasant day.
We had 8 contestants shooting 3 cards each. There are 5 competition classes. This is slightly down on previous years possibly due to the bank holiday weekend.
In future I think we will have the shooter fire the 2 sighters and then stay in that position for the 10 scoring shots straight away. The next competitor can then sight and follow on immediately into the scoring shots. This, rather than moving position between sighters and scoring shots.
This should save time. We were ok with the amount of contestants today but might have struggled for time if we had the full complement of 14 competitors.
posted 28 Apr 2019, 21:19 by Tony Cattermole [ updated 28 Apr 2019, 21:19 ]
Dear Members
For your delectation we have two dates this month.
Next Sunday 5th May I still have places available for the McQueen competition. Entry is currently live through the HBSA website.
Historic McQueen Rifle Competition
Wednesday 15th May, the rifle practice is at 1000 yards on Stickledown. As this is a marked shoot the fee will be £10.00. I know this is a slight departure from the normal Wednesday shoots but is necessary due to the other ranges being closed or not available. Unfortunately I cannot attend, however, the last shoot at this distance was a pleasant morning out.
Dave Carroll
posted 9 Apr 2019, 18:43 by Tony Cattermole [ updated 9 Apr 2019, 18:43 ]
Attached you should find the results from the 20th HBSA Rook & Rabbit rifle competition held at Bisley. I have been having trouble setting the page sizes for printing nicely, but I’m sure someone younger and brighter than me can sort this out.
Last year Paul Smith did not enter as he had an injured shoulder, but we can all now see that he is back to cracking form! We had some new faces present this time, as well as a couple of cancellations due to health issues.
These results will also be displayed on the HBSA website, and certificates will be printed and distributed in the months ahead. I hope that many of you will be able to come along to the HBSA Winans event on both Saturday and Sunday 10th and 11th August. There is no pre-booking for this, so just turn up with a small amount of cash and lots of ammunition. The Winans range has no calibre limitations, so if you wish to fire your 45-70 at 25 metres then please do – I will be!
Have a good summer
Allan Kirk
posted 9 Apr 2019, 17:50 by Tony Cattermole [ updated 9 Apr 2019, 17:55 ]
As members will be aware Dr Christopher Roads, our President, has been in Oman for several years setting up a cutting edge museum dedicated to the firearm. The project is now complete and the museum open.
He is now seeking curators. Please see the attached notice giving details. Applicants are requested to contact Dr Roads via email at with expressions of interest.
posted 5 Apr 2019, 21:29 by Tony Cattermole [ updated 5 Apr 2019, 21:29 ]
The retirement of the British Shooting Sports Council’s long-serving Secretary David Penn has been marked at the Council’s Annual General Meeting and Luncheon.
David Penn stood down on March 21 after 13 years with British shooting’s umbrella organisation.
A target shooter, game shot and an authority on historic military firearms, David was formerly Keeper of Firearms at the Imperial War Museum and his detailed understanding of firearms technology and legislation has been invaluable in helping shooting sports to counter the challenge of ever-increasing controls over firearms ownership.
A former chairman of the Government’s Firearms Consultative Committee, David’s opinion on firearms matters has been deeply respected both by politicians, civil servants and the police, and as BSSC Secretary he has played a key contribution to shaping Britain’s gun laws.
David has been co-opted to BSSC in order to retain the benefits of his knowledge and input.
posted 5 Apr 2019, 01:20 by Tony Cattermole [ updated 5 Apr 2019, 01:21 ]
Following members exchanges on the forum the following may be of interest.
It is important to remember that the list is now the “obsolete cartridge list”. The change was agreed when discussing the list for the statutory version for the Policing and Crime Act. The term calibre is generic and cartridge is specific.
As members will recall from my website posts at the time, the list, which will become statutory, and part of the definition of an antique, is still under “impact assessment” at the Home Office regarding addition of, and potential removal of certain cartridges. The decision has been delayed, as have many other matters, by another process currently under discussion in Parliament.
The basic situation is clear in the “Guide”. As we all know a firearm chambered for a cartridge on the list may be held as a curiosity or ornament without ammunition.
There is no reason not to have an “acquisition slot” on an FAC for a firearm chambered for a cartridge on the list (and ammunition), whether you already possess one as a 58(2) or not. You may, for example not wish to shoot the one that you have because of its condition, but rather acquire another.
If you possess more than one, the entry on the FAC should be clear through the description and/or serial number as to which one you shoot. The others remain 58(2)s. Whilst the others are retained as 58(2) the owner should be clear about that, and that there is no intent to shoot them, perhaps keep ammunition separately, and ensure that, for example, whilst at a shoot he does not use them (or perhaps even have them with him). The FAC will reflect the specific firearm and ammunition. Whilst as far as we are aware, this has not been directly tested in Court, we also believe that it is unlikely to be. However whilst the question of intent is difficult to prove, the statutory list seeks greater legal clarity.
The same will apply to the owner of muzzle loading firearms who has one on his licence to shoot, has a licence to keep black powder, and has other ML firearms which are not shot.
This will perhaps become more focused when the definition of antique (obsolete cartridge or ignition system) becomes statutory.
Members are also reminded that you may wish to have those items on your Firearm Certificate which are part of your collection marked as such with an *. Your good reason for having them will be collecting and your FAC should have the condition:-
The firearm(s) identified by an asterisk in Part 1 or Part 2 of the certificate must be possessed, purchased or acquired by the holder of the certificate only for the purpose of its being kept or exhibited as part of a collection and may be fired occasionally
As I reported some time ago a Labour amendment was introduced into the Offensive Weapons Bill regarding “handloading”. This was dropped, (we had pointed out that it was poorly worded) and will not now come back into the OWB. It may be re-introduced into the public consultations to take place on various aspects of firearms ownership and use after the OWB has received Royal Assent. The other aspects will be : medical evidence, Sect 11(4) and possibly air guns. We have been closely involved in meetings and communication with the Home Office and Police in conjunction with BSSC and will, as far as and when possible, report to members.
Derek Stimpson
posted 27 Mar 2019, 11:44 by Tony Cattermole [ updated 27 Mar 2019, 11:44 ]
The Longrange Smallbore event was shot on Sunday 24th in very pleasant sunshine.
The morning was fairly calm and sheltered on Short Siberia at 200 yards. The afternoon found us combating a swirling wind on Century adding somewhat to the challenge of the increased distance of 300 yards.
All competitors used the .22 long rifle cartridge, none of the other rimfire calibres being represented.
David Carroll
posted 17 Mar 2019, 11:28 by Tony Cattermole [ updated 17 Mar 2019, 11:28 ]
Members should look at these links and sign the petition against the draconian legislation that threatens to destroy this piece of heritage.
Derek Stimpson
Australian Regulation: Make Museum Guns “Metal Blobs”
posted 3 Mar 2019, 20:32 by Tony Cattermole [ updated 3 Mar 2019, 20:32 ]
Dear Members
There are two dates for March:
Wednesday 20th March is the midweek practice day. We will be shooting at 200 yards in the
morning and 300 yards in the afternoon. This is the practice day for the smallbore long range
competition, however, all rifles are welcome, as usual this day will be self marked so please
expect to do some time in the butts.
The Longrange smallbore competition is on Sunday 24th March again shooting at 200 yards in
the morning and 300 yards in the afternoon. The online entry is now open here >>>>
Unfortunately, Mike Townsend, who was going to RCO this comp, has had to withdraw for
medical reasons. This means that we need at least 2 volunteers to help me run it on the day.
Helping out in this way will not preclude you from shooting in the contest.
Hopefully the weather will be better than last year when most could not attend due to the
snow and ice!
David Carroll
posted 26 Feb 2019, 22:33 by Tony Cattermole [ updated 26 Feb 2019, 22:33 ]
The first competition of the year was shot on Sunday 24th February. The weather was almost perfect, following a misty start we had sunshine and virtually no wind for the shoot.
There were 24 contestants each shooting 4 cards of six shots each. 2 standing, 2 kneeling and 2 prone. As the competition name suggests these could be shot with or without attached bayonet.
The scoring was 5 for any shot in the central circle and 3 points for a hit anywhere on the body of the DP11 targets used. See the results here >>>>
Whilst there were some good scores, nobody got the holy grail of 30 points with or without bayonet. The overall impression gained was of a good mornings shooting, helped no doubt, by the weather.
As ever it was a privilege to see the variety and quantity of historic kit possessed and used by the members. Getting this out on the range is, I believe, a very important function of the HBSA.
My thanks to all who took part and particularly those who helped on the morning: Chris Reid, Rob Davidson, Bruce Ellis, Alan Berlin. The problem with listing names is that I may have forgotten someone, if so, I apologize.
David Carroll