August & September Shooting 2023

posted 20 July 2023, 9:20 pm

Dear Members

There is no Midweek shoot booked for August.

Saturday 12th August All Day – Miniature Rifle Matches

We have booked the whole of Cheylesmore Bay B morning and afternoon for the miniature rifle shoot. The shoot is pre-booked online, so that we can balance resources.

Competitors book for a firing point either all morning or all afternoon – it’s very good value.

Fill your boot with miniature rifles, and shoot as much as you want. We have classes to cover virtually any in-period miniature rifle. Events cover slowfire standing (either unsupported or supported) and standing rapid fire.

We have made more supports so you can stand with your heavy target .22 rifles (or others).

Book Here >>>

Saturday 9th September Afternoon

Boer War shoot.

For rifles and carbines of the type used in the Boer War or earlier wars in South Africa.

Event is at 100x on Short Siberia; we have 3 Fig 11 targets, benches, and markers.

A number of invited guests are joining us, they’ll be shooting under 1-to-1 supervision. The guest list is now closed.

HBSA members who want to shoot, please contact Rob Davidson (unless you’ve already told Rob you are attending).

Friends who want to observe (but not shoot) are very welcome to accompany members as their guests.

Saturday 23rd September

Looking forward to September we have the HBSA 50th Anniversary Event.

We have 3 targets booked morning and afternoon at 600 yds. It would be good to see a range of interesting historic rifles in use. It is further hoped that some of the guests will be able to fire the various rifles (close supervised of course).

If you can support this please let me know:

