Statutory Guidance for police on firearms licensing
posted 22 October 2021, 7:51 pm
As members may be aware this was published on 20th October and takes effect from 1st November 2021. This follows a two year consultation process in which HBSA along with BSSC and other organisations were involved. We were successful in obtaining appropriate changes where required.
Read at this link:-
You will note that the medical verification can be carried out by a registered medical practitioner using a patient’s individual notes. This is an important concession for members faced with GPs opposed to shooting or who charge exorbitant fees. This is also why Medcert and the BASC medical panel were formed.
You will note that the statutory application of the “permanent marker” relating to FAC holders on GPs records is not required. This omission may mean that there is potentially no medical monitoring during the life of the certificate. In line with the previous discussions and consultations Government are being asked to reconsider this aspect, which would enhance public confidence in the licensing system, and should result in a 10 year period for FACs.
This statutory guidance is a welcome step towards a more consistent approach to firearms licensing across all the police forces.
We will continue working with BSSC and the other organisations, police and the Home Office to ensure that the benefits now included in the statutory guidance are realised, and that there is no element that proves to be detrimental to the shooting community or wider public.
Derek Stimpson