Mid-Winter shoot (Wapenshaw) and lunch; in memory of Maurice – Sat 16 December 2023

posted 24 October 2023, 8:49 pm
Dear Members,

You can now book your place at the Sat 16 Dec 2023 Midwinter shoot or Wapenshaw (8:30 – 12:30) and lunch (12:30 onwards) on the HBSA website (go to: what we do / HBSA competitions / HBSA wappenshaw)
This link should take you straight there:
It’s £15 to shoot, £18 for lunch, or £30 to do both.
It should be very simple to book and pay, Tony Cattermole has very kindly set this up, so if you have technical problems, he’s your man.
If you know any members who don’t participate in the Forum, or who avoid computers altogether, would you be kind enough to get in touch with them and, if they are keen, offer to book on their behalf? 
HBSA members and their guests who do not wish to shoot will still be most welcome at the lunch, and may also enjoy observing the shoot.
There will be a Heritage Pistol shoot at Bisley that morning, and we hope that many pistol shooters will book for lunch.
The event is our way of remembering our departed friend Maurice Kanareck;  I have no plans for formal speeches but if someone feels differently, get in touch.
best wishes
Rob Davidson

From Robert Davidson robdavidson303@gmail.com