HBSA Journal Volume 3 (1999 – 2008)
President’s Address, Heritage Pistol scheme
Bavaria’s Forgotten ‘Lightning Rifle’ Ruckladungsgewehr M/69 by Leonard & Guy AR West
new Bavarian 11 mm rifle, Johann-Ludwig Werder, M/67 Werndl cartridge, rifle & action described, accessories, bayonet, shooting
Revolver Practice with the Wax Bullet, Small Arms Committee Minutes 1921
The Metford Letters 1881-82
Book Reviews: The Swift and Long Branch Non-Firing Training Rifles of Great Britain and Canada by MacPherson, Carbines of the U.S. Cavalry 1861-1905 by McAulay, The British Falling Block Breechloading Rifle from 1865 (2nd Ed) by Kirton, Bulgarian Military Cartridge Review 1876-Present by Munnery, Machine Guns of World War 1 by Bruce, Collector’s Guide to Colt .45 Service Pistols Models of 1911 and 1911A1 (Rev.Ed.) by Clawson
Pollard Annotated by Edward Leslie, JOM Ashton annotated copy of Pollard’s Automatic Pistols
The Mauser Model 1896 Pistol-Carbine by Alan Christmas
solid stocks, wood forend
HBSA 25th Anniversary Exhibition (1998) of Target Arms at North London Rifle Club
ISBN 978-1-326-42917-1
President’s Address, introduction of quarterly “Report”, Heritage Pistol sites, Ad Hoc Committee on Historic Arms, FESAC
The Comblain Rifle – an early Falling Block Breechloader (Part One) by Jonathan Kirton
chronology, rifle bores cartridge chambers & cartridges, early beginnings, markings, production, Belgian Gards Civique M.1870 rifle, serial no.s, bayonet
The Metford Letters 1882
Book Reviews: The Fighting Submachine Gun, Machine Pistol, and Shotgun by Mullin, Non-Fiction Writer’s Guide: A writer’s resource to firearms and ammunition by SAAMI, For Collectors Only: M1 Garand 1936-1957 by Poyer & Reisch, American Beauty: The prewar Colt National Match Government Model Pistol by Mullin
Gun Iron and Mild Steel by HJ Swinney, wrought iron, cast iron, blister steel, shear steel, crucible steel, Marshall iron, Bessemer, barrel rolls mill
Antique Firearms – Ammunition and the Law by Bill Harriman
opinion, Firearms Law – Guidance to the Police
The Gun and Rifle Ledgers of Edwinson C Green by Richard Milner, 1881-1947
ISBN 978-1-326-42924-9
The Comblain Rifle, an early Falling Block Breechloader Part Two by Jonathan Kirton
Peruvian Comblain II Long Lever rifle, commercial bronze-actioned rifles & carbines, new orders, early rook rifles, Chilean Comblain rifle, Chilean 11×50.5mm coiled and solid-drawn brass cartridges, Brazilian Modelo I Carabina 1873 Infantry & Mosquetao, bayonet, Brazilian Carabinas Modelo 2 (1874) & Modelo 3 (1878), improved Model 1881
The Metford Letters 1882
Lt. General Pitt Rivers Breechloading Rifle 1852 by Robert Oliver
The Pitt Rivers Museum, early Minie days, the rifle
From Ball to Boat-tail – The Four Cartridges of the Dreyse System by Leonard and Guy AR West
Patrone M/41 M/47 M/55 M/57 M/72, needle fire ignition, cartridge case, needle charge primer sabot carriage, sights, M/47 bullet mould, ballistic test
ISBN 978-1-326-42931-7
The Comblain Rifle – An Early Falling Block Breechloader (Part Three) by Jonathan Kirton
M.1881 Improved Infantry rifle, M.1882 Belgian Garde Civique Infantry Rifle & possible Cavalry Carbine, markings, Moroccan M.1884, English Rook rifles, Belgian Army Carbine (Mousqueton) M.1871-1883, Brazilian Modelo 4 Carabina 1885,Miniature cadet school training & rook rifles 1881-94, Brazil M.1887 Infantry, Belgian M.1888 Carbine for Garde-Champetre, Brazilian M.5 1889 M.6 1891 Carabina & M.4 1892 Mosquetao & 7×57 conversions, Tools & Accessories, Experimental Repeaters and Quickloaders
The Metford Letters 1882
Book Reviews: Nederlandse vuurwapens: Landmacht, Marine en Koloniale troepen (1811-1866 & 1866-1895) my Martens & de Vries, British Patents of Invention 1617-1977: a guide for researchers by van Dulken
The Development of Rapid-Loading Devices for Revolvers (Part One) by Gordon Bruce
Colt’s patent ammunition flask 1839, Henry Spratt 1859, Rollin White 1878, Bell 1879, Abraham Martin 1880, Schofield 1881, Munch 1884, Kelton 1885-88, Ehbets 1889, Colt
ISBN 978-1-326-42940-9
The Development of Rapid-Loading Devices for Revolvers (Part Two) by Gordon Bruce
European developments, Prideaux, Watson, Lindsay & Stanbridge, Wagner, Pipan & Bangerter, Smith & Wesson, Garfield & Larson, Whiting, Hawley, Rast & Gasser, Neal, James, Wesson, Pomeroy, Garay Y Silva, Wilson, Nelson, Milmore, Wallace, Milano, Kempf, Pilaume, Kuprlyanov, Woodhead, Campbell
Captain JBL Noel by Edward Leslie
Noel’s books & manuals: How to Shoot with a Revolver, The Automatic Pistol, pistol range construction, moving targets, circular bivouac tent
Training in the Revolver by Captain J Noel
The Small Arms School, Cavalry Journal 1921, battle strategy
ISBN 978-1-326-42949-2
The Pistol of Baron d’Est by Jean-Pierre Bastié, John de Burgh Marquis of Clanricarde, fragmenting bullet
The Hall Breechloader; an early example of Concurrent Product and Process Design by David Williams, Harpers Ferry Armory,John Hall, artefacts v written sources, design process for manufacture by machine
Le Système Transformé 1867, Dit ‘à Tabatière’ (The System Transformed 1867, called ‘Snuffbox’) by Guy and Leonard A-R-West
with the assistance of Jean Mallet, Fusil d’Infanterie Transforme 1867, Cartouche 1867, handling and shooting, bayonet
William Ellis Metford by Dr C H Roads, introduction
Memoir of William Ellis Metford
May, 1900, life, firearms design and development, Metford rifle
The Metford Letters 1882-3
The Resurrection of an Old Gibbs-Farquharson Action by the makers George Gibbs, Limited, for their Canadian Representative by Jonathan Kirton, Ross telescopic rifle sight
ISBN 978-1-326-44093-0
A Treatise on the Podewils Gewehr M/58/67 featuring the Schützengewehr M/58/67
by Leonard and Guy A-R-West
The McKeever Cartridge Box by Bill Harriman
Some Further Notes on William Ellis Metford 1824–1899
A Metford Letter
The Clair: The French Early Self-Loading Pistol
Two Interesting Photographs by Guy and Leonard A-R-West
The Comblain Rifle: An Early Falling Block Breechloader by Jonathan Kirton
Part Four – A Pictorial Postscript of Comblains in Military Service in Belgium and Brazil
ISBN 978-1-326-44094-7
A Treatise on the Chassepot Cavalry Carbine Mle. 1866 and Cartouche Mle. 1866
featuring the Carabine de Cavalerie by Leonard and Guy A-R-West
Arcelin, Chassepot, 1858-1862 cartridges, Mle.1866, mechanism, sights, markings, cartridge, ammunition pouch, bayonet, metallic cartridge conversions, handling & shooting
H. H. Harrod: An Introduction by Clifford Bryant
Henry H Harrod – The Man Who Loves Guns, collector, newspaper articles 1935 “One-man Arms Museum”
Book Review: 331+ Essential Tips and Tricks for the Gun Collector by Mowbray
Internal Ballistics, A Historical Viewpoint by David A.Thombs
early days 1268-1740, classical age of ballistics 1742-1914, ballistic pendulum, chronograph, crusher pressure gauge, analytical age 1914-1950, computer age 1950-2006
Rifling Twists of Nineteenth-Century Military Breechloaders as Estimated by a New Improved Twist Rule by Donald G. Miller
New Twist Rule, Greenhill’s Twist Rules, twist rules v experimental twists
Whitworth, Bashforth and Metford and Their Long-Range Experiments by David Williams
published work on guns, flight of projectiles, ballistic pendulum,
The Metford Letters 1883-4
ISBN 978-1-326-44095-4
Daniel Fraser of D. & J. Fraser of Edinburgh, Scotland by Jonathan Kirton
earliest production batch of his rifles which incorporate his patented falling-block action design between 1880 and 1884
Vertroue in God en de Mauser [Faith in God and the Mauser], Two Boer Mausers by Guy and Leonard A-R-West
Second Boer War, The Mauser, M.93/95(ZAR) rifle & carbine, unofficial markings,7×57 cartridge, M.93 bayonet, accessories, handling & shooting
The Ammunition Carriage and Packaging Patents of J.W. Frazier by Bill Harriman, 1872-87
Hammond Breechloading Rifles, Patience Rewarded by Ken Hocking
three rifle design patents, 1866 Enfield conversion, 1869 Rotary breech, 1871 improvements to Martini types, Vokes rifle
Book Review: The Classic British Rook and Rabbit Rifle by Colin Greenwood
The Metford Letters 1884
Captain E. H. Robinson’s Personal Copy of the 1929 Edition of the Textbook of Small Arms, annotations, notes on the authors
External Ballistics, A Historical Viewpoint, Part I, 1500—1914 by David A. Thombs
early years 1500-1740, experimenters 1740-1914, First World War and After
ISBN 978-1-326-42962-1
The Fusils d’Infanterie Modèle 1866-74T, 1874, and 1874 M.80 by Leonard and Guy-A-R-West
conversion of Chassepot to Gras system, conversion details, M.80, M.1866/74N, Fusil Gras M.1874, accessories, cartridge, bayonet, contractors, handling & shooting
The Universal Calibre—Genesis of the 9 mm Parabellum Cartridge by Dr G.L. Sturgess
Britain, USA, Germany, large calibre prejudice, initial experimentation, DWM 480C
External Ballistics—A Historical Viewpoint Part II, 1914 to date by David A. Thombs
WW1-1921, interwar years 1921-39, WW2-1947, modern era 1947-2007
Some Pattern 1853 Enfield and Snider Rifle Accessories by Bill Harriman
nipple protector, tompion, chamber adapter, foresight protector
Book Reviews: Catalogue of the Bayerisches Armeemuseum Ingolsadt, Volume 4 M.98 Rifle & Carbine M.98 Firearms of the German Army from 1898 to 1918 by Stortz, The British Sporting Gun and Rifle – Pursuit of Perfection 1850-1900 by Dallas
Comblain Presentation Rifles and the Belgian Garde Civique ‘Prix du Gouvernement’ Shooting Award Rifles by Jonathan Kirton
An Addendum to the Article “Daniel Fraser of D. and J. Fraser of Edinburgh, Scotland” by Jonathan Kirton
The Ammunition Carriage and Packaging Patents of J. W. Frazier— an Addendum by Bill Harriman
ISBN 978-1-326-42967-6