Bisley – The National Shooting Centre

Bisley Camp has been the home of the National Rifle Association since 1890, when the NRA moved there from Wimbledon Common; it now houses the NRA and two other National Governing Bodies for target shooting, the National Smallbore Rifle Association (NSRA) and the Clay pigeon Shooting Association (CPSA).
Apart from being able to offer a great variety of shooting, Bisley has other advantages. It is the largest range complex in the world within a major centre of population and has few restrictions such as those which now inhibit new ranges being built in populated areas.
A glance at a map will show the ranges and their associated danger areas as an oasis in a near suburban part of the South of England; and an added bonus for all, especially the naturalists, is the abundance of flora and fauna – some of which are unique to the area. The ranges are now a European Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) and so protected from modern development.