HSE publishes restriction dossiers and opens public consultations on lead in ammunition and substances in tattoo inks and permanent make-up (PMU)

posted 06 May 2022, 2:49 pm

For members information we received the following today, as expected. We are studying it together with BSSC and other relevant associations.

This is a 213 page document with 13 pages of references so the process will not be quick. The consultation opened today closes on the 6th November 2022 so there is time for HBSA, BSSC and others to make a careful response in cooperation and co-ordination .

The reference to shooting historical firearms on ranges follows the target shooting direction with similar risk management measures in place as we had anticipated.

As members will be aware from my Legislative Updates this is not the only major issue that we have pending but dealing with it is certainly critical and a a priority.

Further comment follows in due course.

Best wishes
Derek Stimpson

HSE publishes restriction dossiers and opens public consultations on lead in ammunition and substances in tattoo inks and permanent make-up (PMU)

HSE has proposed a restriction on lead in ammunition as we have identified there is an unacceptable risk to human health and the environment that is not adequately controlled by current measures.

HSE has proposed a restriction on hazardous substances present in tattoo inks and PMU as a precautionary measure to address potential risks to human health as there is currently no legislation in GB that addresses the risks presented by insertion into the skin of these substances.

In compiling the two restriction dossiers, we held a 60-day call for evidence on each proposal last year.

We are now opening a 6-month public consultation on each published dossier and invite interested parties to consider the questions posed to help us to form opinions on the proposed restrictions in the next stage of this process.

In forming opinions on whether to introduce the restrictions, HSE will engage with our independent experts on the REACH Independent Scientific Expert Pool (RISEP), who will form a Challenge Panel to provide knowledge, scrutiny and challenge.

View the public consultations for:
lead in ammunition
substances in tattoo inks and PMU.