September 2021 Shoooting programme

Here are the shooting dates for September:

Wednesday 15th September midweek practice morning only, Century 200 yds

Cost £10.00 for the morning

Sunday 19th September  Mid range open shoot and practice day

Morning Century 300 yds
Afternoon Century 500 yds

Cost £15.00 for the morning £25.00 all day. I don’t know why we make it cheaper for the whole day, it costs the same to run the afternoon as the morning!

 For these practices please let me know by email if you are coming. They are number limited. Do not just turn up as you may be disappointed.

At present we have one target and marker for the mid range practice if there is enough interest I might be able to get another, however, this is expensive to run. So would need a minimum of 18 shooters to justify the extra target and marker


Sunday 26th September  Mid Range Competition

Morning Century 300 yds
Afternoon Century 500 yds

Range Control Dave Carroll and Jess McAree

Only online entry for the competition, this is already live here>>>>. Thanks to Tony Cattermole. The entry will close on 12 September.

I will send out details of squadding on close of entry, please check to see that you have been allocated the correct number of slots and correct targets etc


David Carroll