News 12 Jul 2021 to 30 Aug 2021

HBSA Historic Miniature Rifle Matches 15th August 2021

posted 30 Aug 2021, 17:08 by Tony Cattermole   [ updated 30 Aug 2021, 17:10 ]
Since the HBSA resurrected this meeting in 2014, we have held it on the similarly resurrected Winans Range. However, recent storms had damaged the side walls on Winans, and this year the NRA moved our meeting onto the central bay (B) of the Cheylesmore Range.  Although less ‘cosy’ than Winans, the extra space behind the firing points on Cheylesmore was beneficial. New free-standing supports had to be constructed for the popular “Standing Supported” matches. Overall, the meeting worked well in its new location, and it may well remain our preferred future venue.
This year squadding considerations necessitated the introduction of online pre-booking, but with 2018 pricing retained. 13 members opted for a dedicated firing point for half a day with at least six entries; and a further 13  opted to book just two entries.  With diligent range officers and co-operative competitors, the morning saw 9 details completed – excellent value at £20!  In total 81 entries were completed, a total of 173 match cards.
The range saw a very wide range of rare and interesting rifles in use, and competitors enjoyed viewing and discussing each other’s prized possessions. The Results table lists the rifles used.
The final Results can be viewed here >>>
This year the meeting’s regular organisers were both unavailable, so we must thank Tony Cattermole, Geoff Ormerod, Stu Burden, and Fynn Duffy for stepping into their shoes for this year.

September 2021 Shoooting programme

posted 21 Aug 2021, 19:30 by Tony Cattermole   [ updated 21 Aug 2021, 19:31 ]
Here are the shooting dates for September:
Wednesday 15th September midweek practice morning only, Century 200 yds
Cost £10.00 for the morning
Sunday 19th September  Mid range open shoot and practice day
Morning Century 300 yds
Afternoon Century 500 yds
Cost £15.00 for the morning £25.00 all day. I don’t know why we make it cheaper for the whole day, it costs the same to run the afternoon as the morning!
 For these practices please let me know by email if you are coming. They are number limited. Do not just turn up as you may be disappointed.
At present we have one target and marker for the mid range practice if there is enough interest I might be able to get another, however, this is expensive to run. So would need a minimum of 18 shooters to justify the extra target and marker
Sunday 26th September  Mid Range Competition
Morning Century 300 yds
Afternoon Century 500 yds
Range Control Dave Carroll and Jess McAree
Only online entry for the competition, this is already live here>>>>. Thanks to Tony Cattermole. The entry will close on 12 September.
I will send out details of squadding on close of entry, please check to see that you have been allocated the correct number of slots and correct targets etc
David Carroll

Trafalgar meeting

posted 20 Aug 2021, 23:34 by Tony Cattermole   [ updated 20 Aug 2021, 23:34 ]
We are please to remind members of the dates for this year’s Trafalgar meeting – 16th and 17th October. Do enter and support this major historic arms meeting.
The NRA much regret that it will not be possible to hold an Arms Fair this year but it is to be hoped that with a return to more stability for events it can be held again next year. This also means that we will not hold our Heritage Pistol exhibition in 2021.

Statement by the Home Secretary re the Plymouth shootings

posted 18 Aug 2021, 18:00 by Tony Cattermole   [ updated 18 Aug 2021, 18:00 ]
For members information, attached is link to a statement by the Home Secretary regarding the shootings in Plymouth.
If you have any questions please address them to me at
Derek Stimpson

Plymouth – Parliamentary Brief

posted 18 Aug 2021, 00:07 by Tony Cattermole   [ updated 18 Aug 2021, 00:07 ]
Members may wish to read the Parliamentary Brief sent to parliamentarians and circulated to BSSC member associations. Download here >>>
I you have any questions please address them to me at
Derek Stimpson

Antique Firearms – Transition period ends 22 September 2021

posted 5 Aug 2021, 18:53 by Tony Cattermole   [ updated 5 Aug 2021, 18:53 ]
As most members will be aware the law on antique firearms has changed. The Home Office have sent the following reminder that the transition period ends on 22nd September 2021.
For the revolvers chambered for cartridges coming off the list Sect 7(1) remains the preferred option for owners where possible, which should be the majority of cases.
If you have questions please email me at
Antique Firearms – action required before 22 September 2021
Some firearms that could previously be possessed without a firearm certificate as an antique are now subject to licensing.  Owners of such firearms have until 22 September 2021 to apply to the police for a firearms certificate if they wish to keep them. Alternatively, they can surrender, sell or otherwise dispose of their firearm before 22 September 2021.
Further information about the antique firearms affected by the Antique Firearms Regulations 2021, and the options for owners, can be found on (view information on changes to the law on antique firearms).

HBSA Midland Rook & Rabbit Championship Meeting – Saturday 2nd October

posted 2 Aug 2021, 23:02 by Tony Cattermole   [ updated 2 Aug 2021, 23:03 ]
Dear All,
Please see the  entry form for this years HBSA Midlands Rook & Rabbit Championship Meeting.
As usual the event takes place on the 1st Saturday in October.
Please don’t leave your entry until the last minute book in early it makes it easier for me.
Best regards
Paul Smith

August 2021 Shooting programme

posted 1 Aug 2021, 17:24 by Tony Cattermole   [ updated 1 Aug 2021, 17:24 ]
Dear Members
August shooting is as follows:
15th August Miniature Rifle Meeting on Cheylesmore Range
NOTE: Due to safety issues following weather damage to Winans we have had to move this to Cheylesmore Range. Due to range availability the competition has been reduced to one day, both of which mean we cannot offer the prone option.
Online booking only – enter Smallbore Comp here >>>
18th August Midweek Rifle Practice
This will be shot at 300 yards on Century.  Please advise me if you wish to shoot as these are number limited.
David Carroll

Legislative update 2nd Quarter 2021

posted 25 Jul 2021, 22:23 by Tony Cattermole
The latest Legislative Update can be downloaded here >>>>

Offensive Weapons Act prohibition of Lever and Trigger release rifles

posted 12 Jul 2021, 21:30 by Tony Cattermole   [ updated 12 Jul 2021, 21:33 ]
We have today received the following communication from the Home Office.
“The Minister has now signed the relevant Statutory Instrument to bring in the Offensive Weapons Act prohibitions. A copy of the Instrument is available on the legislation website – here is the link: As you will see, the prohibitions come in to effect on Wednesday 14 July. “
Please note that possession of these items will become prohibited from next Wednesday. In the unlikely event that you still have one, arrangements should be made with police to surrender it, or get it to an RFD with the appropriate permit (NRA is one such), or indeed if you know anyone who has one, please advise them. BSSC has written to the Home Office regarding a number of people who may potentially be unaware of the prohibition or the expired compensation scheme. Derek Stimpson
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