News 17 Jan 2017 to 9 Feb 2017

Happy 10th Birthday

posted 9 Feb 2017, 09:37 by Tony Cattermole   [ updated 9 Feb 2017, 09:37 ]
Yes, our Members’ online Forum is 10 years old today. In that time, members have exchanged questions and answers about 5000 times – hopefully to the benefit of all.
If you are a Full member or Overseas Corresponding Subscriber, but have not yet joined our Forum, why not contact and ask to join?
Our Forum is both ‘closed’ and ‘confidential’ which means that you will only see and be seen by other HBSA Members – no SPAM and no cyber threats.

Policing and Crime Act 2017 and next steps

posted 5 Feb 2017, 14:37 by Tony Cattermole   [ updated 5 Feb 2017, 17:02 ]
As members will be aware the Act received Royal Assent on the 31st January 2017. The link to the online copy of the Act is – a digital section by section version should be available soon. Meanwhile in the attached pdf the firearms sections are shown for ease of reference. No firearms provisions came into force when the Act received Royal Assent, and we understand that only those firearms provisions which can be implemented quickly are expected to commence in spring. These should be:-
  • Amendments to subsection 57(1): Definition of a firearm
  • New subsection 57(1B): Definition of the term “lethal”
  • New section 57A: Exception for airsoft guns
  • New subsection 57(1D): Component parts of a firearm
  • New section 4A: Possession of articles for use in connection with conversion of an imitation firearm
  • New section 8A: Controls on defectively deactivated weapons
  • Amendments to section 129; Controls on Ammunition which Expands on impact
  • Amendments to section 130: Authorised lending and possession of firearms for hunting etc.
  • Amendments to section 133: Guidance to police officers in respect of firearms
The Home Office expect to issue a circular covering the separate firearms amendments shortly. They hope that all the provisions in the Act can be implemented by later this year. Next steps for the other provisions:
  • Section 126 – meaning of antique firearm: public consultation (expected to launch soon – duration: 8 weeks); analysis of responses ; drafting of secondary legislation which will be subject to Parliament’s approval (through affirmative debates in both Houses)
  • Section 131 – limited extension of firearm certificates: police firearms licensing processes and systems will need updating, which will take too long to commence in spring. Home Office will work with police and shooting organisations to produce a programme of updates (led by police) required for implementation/commencement of the provisions
  • Section 132 – applications under the firearms acts: fees: as you know, the consultation is currently on; after the analysis of responses there will be drafting of secondary legislation (negative legislation, so no debates required, although subject to similar scrutiny/clearances)
  • Section 133 – statutory guidance to police: the duty on the police to give due regard to sections of the guidance relating to the discharge of their firearms functions will commence, but not apply until HO have consulted (required: with police chiefs) on sections/content of the guidance to become statutory.
At the same time as all this work progresses, the Home Office will coordinate a review of the published HO “Guidance” to update/correct its content and improve its consistency. We will keep members informed. Derek Stimpson

Field Firing Match Sat. 8th April 2017

posted 27 Jan 2017, 15:10 by Tony Cattermole   [ updated 27 Jan 2017, 15:13 ]
Herts & Essex are again running their Field Firing Match for Rifles of ∙22RF OR other miniature rifle cartridge as approved by the HESA or HBSA (e.g. ∙297/∙230 Morris Tube, ∙310 Cadet or Air Rifle Pellet). This is an Open event and HBSA and others are most welcome to shoot or take part in the accompanying display of British Sporting Rifles and pistols. This match provides a loose representation of the Field Firing Training using military training targetry variously in use between the 1920’s and post Second World War. It is mainly a timed shoot, 30 shots per series shot: Ten shots prone (Sand bag may be used) at 5 Tin Hat targets (2 shots per bull) (120 seconds); Ten shots kneeling from behind “Cover” (Available support and sand bag may be used) at 5 Landscape targets (2 shots per bull) (120 seconds); Five shots standing shot over a “Fire Trench Parapet” (Available support and sand bag may be used) at 3 Figure 4A targets (5 shots on 3 bulls) (180 seconds) and finally Five shots standing shot over a “Fire Trench Parapet” (Available support and sand bag may be used) at three 1931 snap targets (5 shots on 3 bulls) (1 shot per 5 second exposure).
There are classes for all ages of rifles – full details in the attached Invitation and Entry Form. Details and returned forms to: The event is at the Herts & Essex range. Midway between Braintree and Colchester. There will also be an exhibition of British Sporting Rifles and pistols. To exhibition, contact

Fees consultation: Government-administered firearms licences

posted 27 Jan 2017, 14:16 by Tony Cattermole   [ updated 27 Jan 2017, 14:16 ]
Members may be aware of the following public consultation from the Home Office. We shall be responding as HBSA and also liaising with BSSC who receive input from their members, so we will be likely to cover all the necessary points. If you have views and comments, whilst you may submit a personal response, it is preferable to have a co-ordinated one sent from HBSA so please do send your comments or thoughts to and We will thus pull together all of the points which we will submit in one document on behalf of HBSA. It is generally the case that more credence is given to responses from Associations and groups who represent the views of many members. Derek Stimpson
The Home Office has today (12th January 2017) published a consultation which seeks views on the implementation of new cost-recovery fees for firearms licences that are issued by the Home Office and Scottish Ministers: licences for prohibited firearms, museums with firearms collections and approved shooting clubs. The Policing and Crime Bill, currently before Parliament, contains provision for the Home Secretary to set the fees for these licences types, with the intention that they recover the full costs of administering the application process. The consultation lasts for 8 weeks and closes on 9 March. It is available at

EU Firearms Directive – 26th January update

posted 26 Jan 2017, 22:27 by Tony Cattermole   [ updated 26 Jan 2017, 22:29 ]
Members may have heard of the IMCO vote on the trialogue document this morning – The text (hopefully with the amendments added to it) that will be put up for plenary vote on March 14 2017 is below. The European Commission has already stated that if this document is voted in in plenary without any changes, they will also accept it. The document is below and a statement from Vicky Ford MEP can be found at:- On this page you will find more by clicking on “background note”. Needless to say, whilst there are improvements our work does not stop here. Derek Stimpson

“1910” Competition – Sunday 25th June 2017

posted 23 Jan 2017, 23:15 by Tony Cattermole   [ updated 23 Jan 2017, 23:18 ]
A date for the diary – Sun 25 June 2017. The 1910 Competition is back to its original distance of 200x on Short Siberia Range after the disruption caused to the 2016 competition by the enforced changes in range allocation and which resulted in a reduced turnout from members. The prices have been reduced slightly and, hopefully, 2017 will see many old friends and competitors returning to enjoy this traditional day of shooting for classic and historic rifles. See the website for entry forms >>>>. The organisers would appreciate early submission of entries as this facilitates planning.

World Forum on Shooting Activities – Newsletter January 2017

posted 22 Jan 2017, 21:15 by Tony Cattermole   [ updated 22 Jan 2017, 21:15 ]
Members may be interested to see the latest “World Forum” newsletter >>>>
There are links to various documents of interest. As ever we continue to monitor the various situations and respond where needed.
Derek Stimpson

SPECIAL NOTICE – 20th February meeting

posted 19 Jan 2017, 14:59 by Tony Cattermole   [ updated 19 Jan 2017, 14:59 ]
Owing to our February lecturer being unwell and unable to speak to us, the subject of the 20 February London Bridge Meeting will now be a Symposium. The focus will be “Sights, Scopes, Magazines, (including Stripper Clips and Chargers) and Leather Work”. If you have anything which you would like to bring along and talk about for a few minutes, please let Richard ( know so we can make sure everyone will get sufficient time to present their items. We would not like to miss anyone through not being aware of their presence.

Sunday 29th January rifle practice – 100yds Short Siberia

posted 19 Jan 2017, 00:07 by Tony Cattermole   [ updated 19 Jan 2017, 00:07 ]
Currently we have 2 lanes and markers booked. If only a handful of shooters turn up this is relatively expensive and a bit of a waste. Conversely if we reduce it to one lane and many shooters come we have to limit the amount of rounds shot per person. Bisley will not let us reserve a second lane at the weekend. In order to aid in planning and booking of ranges it would help greatly if I have an idea of how many people intend to come. To this end I would request that if you intend to shoot on the 29th please let me know you are coming. If you do not do this but arrive on the day we will try to accommodate you but cannot guarantee the opportunity to shoot. RSVP Please by Monday 23rd January this will give me time to adjust the booking if required Many thanks. David Carroll

Legislative Update January 2017

posted 17 Jan 2017, 21:25 by Tony Cattermole   [ updated 17 Jan 2017, 21:25 ]
David Penn’s Legislative Update is attached.
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