News 2 Sept 2017 to 10 Oct 2017

HBSA Midland Rook & Rabbit Rifle Competition: Stourport on Severn, 7th October 2017

posted 10 Oct 2017, 02:00 by Tony Cattermole

Dear Competitors
Thank you for competing in this our 12th Annual Midland Rook and Rabbit competition.
We were once again privileged to be able to use the range at Stourport on Severn which is an excellent venue; it provides a covered firing point with plenty of room with a separate range for the muzzle loading match.
I would very much like to thank the Committee and Members of Stourport on Severn Rifle club for allowing us the use of their range, and all those who attended for their continued support.
We were once more fortunate with the weather, after a light drizzle whilst setting up the range it cleared to be a warm day with some light cloud at times.
This year we attracted 18 entrants shooting 62 matches an increase from last year, unfortunately 2 entrants had to withdraw at the last minute due to circumstances beyond their control; additionally some 3 regulars could not attend due to ill health or holidays.
So all in all the meeting continues to be is very well supported.
John Vining our regular RO was able to attend after last year’s illness and ran the range all day in a very smooth and professional manner.
Scoring was done carried out by Mike ably assisted by Linda with some very minor input from myself.
Tea Coffee and some excellent biscuits from Mrs Boulton went down a treat.
Many thanks to all those who helped during the day.
I hope everyone had a good day and that we see you all next year
 Stourport on Severn 6th October 2018
We plan to hold a Rook & Reindeer shoot on in December 2017 (probably 9th) with all proceeds going to the McMillan Fund.
Confirmed date to follow and details to follow but make a note in your diary.
Best Regards
Paul Smith


Quarterly legislative report to BSSC

posted 4 Oct 2017, 15:48 by Tony Cattermole

Attached please find David Penn’s July to September 2017 report to BSSC.


Presentation to David Penn

posted 24 Sept 2017, 11:08 by Tony Cattermole   [ updated 24 Sept 2017, 11:09 ]

We are pleased to report on an event on the 15th September at the Wallace Collection.

The Arms & Armour Society, HBSA and MLAGB presented David Penn with a watercolour of the Imperial War Museum commissioned from well known artist Paul Cox. We are grateful to Chris Beetles for the introduction.

The dedication on the rear of the painting reads :-

Presented to David Penn by the A & A Society, HBSA, MLAGB and friends in the arms and collecting community
in token of all his work and contribution over many years

The event was a complete surprise to David who is seen here receiving the painting from Prof David J Williams and Derek Stimpson.

Presentation to David Penn


Birmingham man was ‘armourer’ for organised crime groups

posted 21 Sept 2017, 21:20 by Tony Cattermole

Members may be interested in the following information from the National Crime Agency:

There is recognition of purchases “from legitimate firearms dealers and auction houses across the country”.

Derek Stimpson


The Olympia Antique Arms Fair, Saturday 30th Sept.

posted 20 Sept 2017, 21:53 by Tony Cattermole   [ updated 20 Sept 2017, 21:53 ]

The Olympia Antique Arms Fair

Saturday 30th September, 9am – 3pm

The Pillar Hall, Olympia
Hammersmith Road, London, W14 8UX

This is a new event with a £10 entry ticket price. However, HBSA members will have a 50% reduction on presentation of HBSA membership card. This offer only applies to tickets bought at the door and not via Eventbrite ticketing agency who have an additional handling charge.

If you have lost your card, please contact the Hon Sec as soon as possible.

Chris Smith

HBSA Hon Sec.



posted 20 Sept 2017, 21:40 by Tony Cattermole   [ updated 20 Sept 2017, 21:42 ]

Entry numbers for this competition were lower than in previous years, but an enjoyable shoot in mostly dry conditions with light winds was enjoyed by 13 competitors. The start was slightly delayed  until 0915 hrs, as we had two radios which were unmatched and the markers  needed to search around the butts for the NRA/HBSA Historic Round Bull and Tin Hat targets.

Our thanks are due to Steve Isherwood who steppped in as RCO, as I could not be at Bisley on the day. Congratulations to all the winners and  hopefully, we will have more entrants for this competition  in 2018. Where have all the Black Powder shooters gone ?

Championship results here>>>>


Mike Townsend

20 Sept 2017

Note:  If you wish to claim a Prize Certificate, see the relevant page on the HBSA website.


HBSA Range Practice Sun 08 Oct 2017

posted 13 Sept 2017, 21:38 by Tony Cattermole   [ updated 13 Sept 2017, 21:38 ]

This range practice will be at 600 yards – during the morning only.

Mike Townsend


Proposed EU lead ban

posted 8 Sept 2017, 12:10 by Tony Cattermole   [ updated 8 Sept 2017, 12:11 ]

Members will be interested to see this link which was received from FESAC.
We have requested more feedback from FESAC and have taken this up through BSSC
We will advise as soon as more information is available.
Derek Stimpson


Mini McQueen – 30th September 2017

posted 8 Sept 2017, 02:34 by Tony Cattermole   [ updated 8 Sept 2017, 02:34 ]

Members will be aware from the calendar that our first Mini McQueen shoot will take place on the 30th September 2017 on Time Limit range at Bisley. This is a .22RF practice at 50 yds being a miniature version of the normal McQueen. 2 sighters and 10 to count. You will need a scoped rifle of not less than x 4 power with a 10 round magazine or fast single loader . The paddles are very small!

Two “castles” are set up, so two shooters each detail, which takes approximately 15 minutes. Shooting starts at 09.00. Range fee £15 for a half day. Don’t forget your FAC and SCC.

Onine booking only – given that there will be limited places if everyone is to get a minimum of two goes so please go online and pay and book your place as soon as possible.

This is great fun so do come along and try it!


Midland Rook & Rabbit Rifle Championship – Saturday 7th October 2017

posted 2 Sept 2017, 22:55 by Tony Cattermole   [ updated 2 Sept 2017, 22:56 ]

Stourport on Severn Pistol & Rifle Club
Minster Road Stourport on Severn WorcestershireThis Championship Meeting will be held at Stourport on Severn. The event is intended for traditional British single shot Rook & Rabbit sporting rifles (and their foreign equivalents) from the 1865-1914 period. Full-stocked military training rifles such as .310 Cadets and .22 WO Training rifles are welcome, and have their own categories.Additionally early 0.22” R/F repeaters are also welcome within their own category.

Last year’s additional matches for modern .22 Light Sport Rifles have once again been included and will be run under the Stourport on Severn Rifle & Pistol Club Banner.

Entry forms can be found on the HBSA Website or from Paul Smith

Please refer to the HBSA website for the most up to date information regarding range bookings etc.



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