News 11 Apr 2018 to 22 Apr 2018

Rae Wills – an update

posted 22 Apr 2018, 20:23 by Tony Cattermole   [ updated 22 Apr 2018, 20:23 ]
Members will have seen the news post re Rae Wills funeral. Here is a note posted on the NRA website re a future memorial event, date to be advised.
The NRA have been informed that Rae Will’s funeral will take place on Friday 27th April – 11.30 for 12.00 – at St James’ Church Rowledge
Donations to the NRA Museum or the Army Benevolent Fund.
Contact Lucy Wills 07974 729 934
For those unable to attend there will be a memorial event/fete/auction of Rae’s collection of shooting ephemera sometime in summer.

Fixed Bayonet / No Bayonet match 13th May 2018

posted 17 Apr 2018, 12:24 by Tony Cattermole   [ updated 17 Apr 2018, 12:24 ]
The 2018 Fixed Bayonet / No Bayonet Matches will take place on Short Siberia ranges on the morning of Sunday 13th May.

Legislative Update for April 2018

posted 17 Apr 2018, 12:19 by Tony Cattermole   [ updated 17 Apr 2018, 12:20 ]
Attached is David Penn’s Legislative Update for April 2018.

Rae Wills’ funeral

posted 16 Apr 2018, 22:19 by Tony Cattermole   [ updated 16 Apr 2018, 22:19 ]
Please note the following message received from Rae’s daughter Lucy:
Rae’s funeral will take place on Friday 27th April at St James’s Church, Church Lane, Rowledge, Farnham, Surrey GU10 4EN Please arrive at 11.30 for 12. Parking within a few minutes walk from the church.
Afterwards at the Bat and Ball, 15 Bat and Ball Ln, Wrecclesham, Farnham, Surrey GU10 4SA . Walking distance from the church.
RSVP appreciated:  tel 01252 792040 or 07974729934
Obviously we understand that for all sorts of reasons you may not be able to join us on the day. More than happy to send a copy of the order of service to you. If you would like to make a donation in my father’s name, he has requested that this be to the ABF
We warmly welcome your thoughts, and reminiscences by post too. His obituary will be all the richer for them. I know that my father greatly valued and appreciated your friendship – thank you from him and from all of us. If you know anyone who my father may have lost touch with over the years, please do let them know too. 
Do keep in touch, esp. if you are in or near London or Farnham.

Robin MacDonald

posted 15 Apr 2018, 17:24 by Tony Cattermole   [ updated 15 Apr 2018, 17:25 ]
Just received the following from the BPC. To advise you all that Robin MacDonald died yesterday, he was admitted to hospital on Good Friday. Details of funeral are not yet known but we will pass them on as soon as we receive them.

Bob Cockerell

posted 14 Apr 2018, 11:03 by Tony Cattermole   [ updated 14 Apr 2018, 11:03 ]
Members will be sad to learn that Bob Cockerell, well known to many of you, passed away earlier this week. We will pass on any other details as received.

Oman National Firearms Museum

posted 12 Apr 2018, 23:33 by Tony Cattermole   [ updated 12 Apr 2018, 23:34 ]
Our President Dr Christopher Roads expects to be in a position to finally open the completed museum this October.
He will need helpers between May 1st and mid October. Time of stay is flexible from one month to three. The help required is cleaning arms for exhibition, improving captioning and presentation plus many other tasks to be ready for opening in October. All expenses paid.Dr Roads will be in the UK for a short time from 20th April. Anyone interested should contact him on – or via myself.

HBSA Annual Rook rifle event, 8th April 2018

posted 12 Apr 2018, 23:20 by Tony Cattermole   [ updated 12 Apr 2018, 23:20 ]
For once the weather Gods had deserted us, and our outing to the farthest corner of Bisley Camp was a damp, becoming very rainy, day out for two dozen stalwarts. The comfort of the Time Limit range was very welcome, even if the corrugated roof did drip down the necks of the seated shooters at 50 yards. A key group of volunteers kept the ROing and scoring running smoothly in the background whilst competitors compared rifles between details.
Quite a good selection of interesting rifles were in use on the day, varying from .22 Short Winchesters, to a Vickers, to a Bland .44 rolling block and a delicious Holland & Holland double hammer rifle. However the best scores were usually going to those with .310 Cadets, .22 War Office Pattern bolt actions and various Martini .22s.
A longish lunch was taken at the Army Target Rifle Club where competitors dried out before the afternoon session. However the rain intensified, and so a mint Westley Richards Falling Block in .255 Jeffery went back to Kent unfired. Scores were somewhat lower that previous years, probably due to the rain, but ageing backs and creaking limbs also paid a part. Despite the weather a great time was had by all.
Allan Kirk

Offensive Weapons Bill – Government document

posted 11 Apr 2018, 18:45 by Tony Cattermole   [ updated 11 Apr 2018, 18:45 ]
The Government has recently produced this document (attached). Amber Rudd’s statement is not very inspiring to say the least. It is wooden and lacking in penetration and understanding of the real issues, and is lacking detailed evidence.
Government also got the policing cuts wrong and that needs highlighting. Members will be aware that we responded robustly to the public consultation, and in conjunction with BSSC are again in touch with the Home Office on this issue. We are handling this at the highest level possible in the face of the Government “knee jerk” reaction. Please avoid any speculation and rumours which do not help us. We will report any news on the website in the usual way as soon as there is something useful and concrete to say.
Derek Stimpson

Limited Extension of Certificates

posted 11 Apr 2018, 10:18 by Tony Cattermole   [ updated 11 Apr 2018, 10:18 ]
Please see attached link to Home Office Circular 014/2018 on Limited Extension of Certificates – the provision comes into force on 17 April 2018. This is as expected and previously advised Derek Stimpson
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