posted 28 Jun 2018, 00:23 by Tony Cattermole [ updated 28 Jun 2018, 00:23 ]
The 1910 was shot on the 24 June in near perfect weather conditions. We had a reduced number of entrants this year so the competition was shot in the morning only.
Unfortunately, the NRA had not put out the targets (or they had been used by another group) resulting in an hour delay at the beginning of the day.
We had 6 targets and 6 markers booked. Of the markers only 4 materialised leaving us short in the Butts.
Apparently, in the NRA terms and conditions they do not guarantee the markers. Thanks to Mike Townsends efforts in the butts assisted by Terry Hoskins and John Butler we were able to complete the course of fire. We will be looking at using private markers in the future but again they are subject to supply problems.
Tony Cattermole ran the snaps and rapids with his usual efficiency, assisted by Terry when not in the butts.
I ran the prone and standing deliberate with the aid of Sarah my wife. Despite the delay we got through most of it.
I have asked the NRA that we do not pay for all of the targets as recompense for the marker shortage and delay.
Many thanks to Tony Cattermole, Mike Townsend, Terry Hoskins, John Butler and Sarah for their help, without which these competitions could not take place.
David Carroll
Rifle Practice
posted 28 Jun 2018, 00:17 by Tony Cattermole [ updated 28 Jun 2018, 00:18 ]
The Four Types competition is to be shot on 29/07/18. This is now live for online bookings from the HBSA website >>>>.
Please note there is no Wednesday Rifle Practice booked for July. Due to the Imperial meeting I was unable to get a slot.
August Wednesday rifle practice is now confirmed as 200 yards on Century Range. This will be Wednesday 15th August.
posted 23 Jun 2018, 19:14 by Tony Cattermole [ updated 23 Jun 2018, 19:45 ]
The following notices come from BSSC and NRA.
Members who are able should get in touch with their MPs as suggested below.
The Second Reading of the Offensive Weapons Bill will take place on the 27th June. This constitutes a major threat to target shooting, and indeed could potentially set a malign precedent for other shooting sports since it seeks to prohibit two types of rifle for which there is no evidence of misuse.
Despite the very short notice it is important that both the Associations and individual members email directly any Member of Parliament with whom they are particularly in contact. Please see the excellent NRA draft letter below which they are happy for you to adapt for individual use. We are doing so and also encourage our members to email their constituency MPs to express their concern.
NRA notice to their members:-
“Offensive Weapons Bill” – Second Reading Wednesday 27th June 2018
We the target shooting community are being unfairly treated by prohibitions proposed in the above Bill.
I have emailed MPs asking them to challenge the Bill;
Time is short and it is essential that shooters contact their local MP and:-
- State their support to the NRA’s letter
- Urge their local MP to question:
- the details of the NCA / police Risk Assessments that apparently have identified .50” calibre / MARS rifles as particular risks to public safety
- what reductions in firearms crime are expected as a result of the prohibitions
- the incidence of legally held rifles being used in crime; and
- why the strict rules on the granting of FACs are deemed insufficient in the case of .50” calibre, MARS and lever release rifles.
Our politicians have many demands on their time and attention; it is best to concentrate upon the unjustified attack on the law abiding shooting community rather than detailed technical descriptions.
This Bill, if unchallenged, risks setting a dangerous precedent for the shooting community as it proposes banning certain firearms without evidence or credible justification. Today the target is .50” calibre and MARS / lever release rifles; tomorrow it could be one of yours.
NRA Group Chief Executive & Secretary General
Andrew Mercer’s letter to MPs based on the above is as follows.Members may adapt this accordingly for their own letter.
The major associations, including BSSC, are in the process of arranging for the Bill to be challenged and we are working with them.
I have written to my MP personally and as HBSA.
Derek Stimpson
“Offensive Weapons Bill” – Second Reading Wednesday 27th June 2018
The target shooting community are being unfairly treated by prohibitions proposed in the above Bill.
Shooting is a major sporting activity in the UK with some 2.25 million rifles and shotguns legally held on certificate. Certificate holders are rigorously assessed by the police and are subjected to medical assessments, references, background checks and ongoing continuous monitoring.
The Bill seeks to prohibit two specific groups (high muzzle energy and “rapid firing”) of rifles; this affects some 1,000 or so firearms out of the 2.25 million held on certificate.
The shooting community views these prohibitions as a gross breach of natural justice as the Home Office has failed to provide any evidence that these rifles pose any risk to public safety. They referred to vague concerns raised by the police and the National Crime Agency (NCA) but have never published details.
To link civilian target shooters to gun crime is grossly misleading; pistols, illegal in the UK since 1997, remain the weapons of choice for the criminal fraternity.
There are three key points to the shooting community’s objections:-
- No legally owned rifle of the types to be prohibited has ever been used in criminal activity despite being used by target shooters for many decades
- The Home Office have provided misleading references by linking the rifles to be prohibited to shooting events in the USA; they quote the Las Vegas shooting despite the fact that the semi-automatic firearms used there were prohibited in the UK in 1988
- Current legislation (Section 27 Firearms Act 1968 as amended) requires Chief Officers of police who grant firearms certificates to ensure “the applicant can be permitted to have the firearm or ammunition in his possession without danger to the public safety …”
We feel the prohibition is a token attempt to distract attention away from the serious matters of illegal firearms, acid and knife crime. To ban certain firearms on the basis of unsubstantiated claims of threats to public safety is unconstitutional and an abuse of process.
The capacity for firearms to cause harm is subjective; almost all modern cars have the capacity to substantially exceed the legal speed limit but the licensed driver is responsible for driving safely.
We urge careful scrutiny of the proposals to prohibit these firearms, interrogating the claimed enhancements to public safety and challenging the risk assessments produced but not published by the NCA.
Further details of our communications with the Home Office can be found [here]; please do not hesitate to contact me should you require further information.
posted 18 Jun 2018, 23:42 by Tony Cattermole [ updated 18 Jun 2018, 23:42 ]
We regret that the low level of entries has made it necessary to cancel the afternoon session.
The “1910” will run only from 08.30 to 12.30 on Sunday 24th June.
Your prompt start at 08.30 would enable us to fully utilise the range space and markers.
posted 18 Jun 2018, 23:29 by Tony Cattermole [ updated 18 Jun 2018, 23:30 ]
David Penn’s Update is attached. |
posted 17 Jun 2018, 00:51 by Tony Cattermole
UKPSA are very proud to announce a wonderful result for the squad representing Great Britain at the IPSC SGWS 2018.
The organisation and facilities provided by the The French Shooting Federation (FFTir) were superb. Around 900 people from around the globe travelled to the event near Chateauroux in the Loir valley in France for this event which lasted around two weeks for most people. Safety and security with respect to firearms as well as shooting was well managed as is typically essential in our sport. The economic effects for the region are still being calculated however each of the competitors shot 30 stages and required a minimum total of circa 650 rounds of ammunition to complete, however the majority of top flight competitors shot more in the practice ranges and during days off. Visitors including officials from around the world, commercial sponsors and national sporting delegates, all utilised local amenities including flights, car rental, hotels, restaurants and shopping during their stay, and this has been recognised to have a very positive effect for the local economy. Due to this the region benefits from very good relations between local governance officials, police, local communities and sports shooting bodies when it comes to shooting sports events.
A link to a video of the opening ceremony is provided by the UKPSA media officer David Ashcroft for your viewing.
Further media releases will follow shortly and I will keep you informed.
In summary Team GB won 4 team medals:
Bronze – Open Team
Bronze – Standard Team
Bronze – Standard Ladies Team
Silver – Standard Manual Senior
2 Individual Medals
Bronze – Standard – Josh Kenny
Bronze Standard Manual Senior – Iain Guy
With two other teams finishing in 4th place.
At world level events we are only permitted to enter a single team of four people in each division or category.
UKPSA are extremely proud of Team GB. Many of them have trained hard for several years to go to this challenging world level event. We are also incredibly grateful to all our sponsors. This is our best result to date and represents a valued achievement at the highest level of competition in our sport. We are now looking forward and planning for IPSC Shotgun World Shoot IV 2021 and hope for your continued support.
posted 16 Jun 2018, 23:24 by Tony Cattermole
At the beginning of June I went to Jersey to attend the FESAC AGM on Saturday 2nd June.
David Acon gave an introduction and a short history of the island before introducing chairman Stephen Petroni who made his address. The usual business of the meeting followed with introduction of the new attendees, minutes, and the officers Annual Reports.
This was followed by the Country reports, previously submitted, to which attendees added some remarks. For the UK I updated the situation regarding antiques, the NABIS conference and the social media issue that we had looked at with BSSC, and which was also discussed as an issue for all.
The agenda as usual also covered the current EU issues, and especially as the last Firearms Directive is adopted into Law in the various member States.
Much of this relates to magazines and deactivation standards. Pressures on the firearms community are evident everywhere.
FESACs role was reviewed and we looked at preparation for the next “assault”.
The UK country report which I presented is posted on our website below and I have requested a link to the other country reports which will follow as and when available.
FESAC Members were requested to update their website pages which is now in hand.
The relationship with Firearms United was reviewed. We remain in contact but this is currently less following the introduction of EU Directive.
The Roadmap for the next 12 months was established.
A major discussion topic is the structure of FESAC which carried forward from last year. The organisation is a Foundation which has country representatives – one country one vote. There was some consideration of a change to Federation which would mean individual Associations and one vote per Association. Whilst appearing more democratic it may in fact be less so – for example a small country with various associations in disagreement and a large country with one only. It was agreed that the Chairman will put down some ideas for consideration by the board.
More news on this to follow.
posted 16 Jun 2018, 23:17 by Tony Cattermole [ updated 16 Jun 2018, 23:18 ]
Championship:- SATURDAY 15th September 2018
Practice Day:- Saturday 8th September
300 & 500 Yards
Classes for
- Vintage
- Classic
- Veteran
- Post Veteran First generation 7.62mm Service and Target Rifles
Dear Members
The online entry system is now open and can be found here >>>>It is a constant battle to keep all of our shooting events viable which means places are limited, too avoid disappointment book early. Your support is crucial to this meeting, without you it will cease to exist.
The Mid-Range Championship Meeting will be held at Bisley on Century ranges on Saturday 15th September.
This match is run by a very small group of volunteers as are all the events organized by the HBSA.
Paul Smith will once more be acting as Match organiser.
This event is intended to encourage the use of Service and Target rifles which fall into one of the following categories Vintage, Classic, Veteran and Post Veteran.
Under competitive conditions but mainly to have an enjoyable day shooting alongside other like minded individuals.
If you have not previously attended this meeting come and have a go, we are always ready to assist and encourage new comers.
If you own a suitable rifle come and have a go, you never know you may well show us all how it should be done.
There are classes for just about every type of Historic Rifle.
All match entries will be via the HBSA online system which is now open for entries.Further information and match details can be found on the HBSA Website or obtained from Paul Smith
Please refer to the HBSA website and Calendar for the most up to date information regarding range bookings etc.
posted 16 Jun 2018, 23:09 by Tony Cattermole
Championship:- Sunday 19th August 2018
Practice Day:- Saturday 18th August 2018 900 & 1000 Yards
Classes for Vintage, Classic, Veteran and “Post Veteran First Generation 7.62mm”
Service and Target Rifles
Dear Members.
The online entry system is now open and can be found on the HBSA website here >>>>
It is a constant battle to keep all of our shooting events viable which means places are limited, too avoid disappointment book early. Your support is crucial to this meeting, without you it will cease to exist.
The Long-Range Championship Meeting will be held at Bisley on Century ranges on Sunday 19th August, with a practice day on Saturday 18th
Paul Smith will once more be acting Match organizer with David Carrol as RO (contact details below).
This event is intended to encourage the use of Service and Target rifles which fall into one of the following categories
- Vintage
- Classic
- Veteran
- Post Veteran.
Under competitive conditions but mainly to have an enjoyable day shooting alongside other like minded individuals.
If you have not previously attended this meeting come and have a go, we are always ready to assist and encourage new comers.
If you own a suitable rifle come and have a go, you never know you may well show us all how it should be done.
There are classes for just about every type of Historic Rifle.
All match entries will be via the HBSA online system which is open for entries now.Further information and match details can be found on the HBSA Website or obtained from Paul Smith
Please refer to the HBSA website and Calendar for the most up to date information regarding range bookings etc.
posted 16 Jun 2018, 22:51 by Tony Cattermole [ updated 16 Jun 2018, 22:51 ]
We have 7 firing points and markers booked for the planned “1910 Short Range Championship” matches for next Sunday 24th June, but we only have 6 entries in total! Unless we receive substantial commitments we have little choice but to cancel to avoid a substantial financial loss.
If you want to enter, please email David Carroll with your entry details, your cheque to follow.