News 1 Aug 2018 to 28 Aug 2018

Urgent – help needed

posted 28 Aug 2018, 21:43 by Tony Cattermole   [ updated 28 Aug 2018, 21:43 ]
Re Mid Range practice and competition.
Practice 08th September, competition 15th September
Both are to be shot at 500 yards in the morning and 300 in the afternoon
As I said in my previous email these dates are both Saturdays, thus I cannot attend or help.
WE DESPERATELY NEED someone to sign for the range and oversee the afternoon session. It would be a shame to have to cancel.
Maurice Kanarek is willing to sign for the range for the morning session.
Paul Smith is running the competition and Steve Isherwood has kindly agreed to be RCO on the 15th.
Entry is open on the HBSA website.
Regards Dave Carroll

Legislative Update for August 2018

posted 21 Aug 2018, 16:38 by Tony Cattermole   [ updated 21 Aug 2018, 16:38 ]
David Penn’s update is attached.

HBSA Long Range Competition Shot On Stickledown Bisley, Sunday 19th August 2018

posted 20 Aug 2018, 23:16 by Tony Cattermole   [ updated 20 Aug 2018, 23:17 ]
Dear Competitors
Thank you for competing in this year’s Long Range Championship Meeting for Vintage, Classic, Veteran and First Generation Rifles. As I have said in previous years without your support these events would not take place.
The weather was somewhat challenging with a moderate to high wind, after a dull and somewhat chilly start the weather improved throughout the day becoming very warm in the afternoon sunshine. A moderate to strong left to right wind (calculated at 16mph I heard at one stage) persisted all day causing everyone trouble.
Entries were once more down on the previous years but still reasonably strong with 20 individuals.
We managed to secure a professional team of markers who provided an excellent service all day.
But credit must also go to the shooters we had very little radio traffic regarding fall of shot etc. even with the strong wind conditions.
With our usual band of travelling Riflemen from North Wales, Yorkshire, Belgium, Warwickshire and even as far away as Surrey.
HBSA prize certificates will be prepared and sent out ASAP.
I would very much like to thank all those who attended for their support and in particular.
David Carroll managed the target and marker bookings and also acted as Range Conducting Officer with the assistance of Gary Shenton and Myself.
I hope everyone had a good day and that we see you all next year.
Best Regards
Paul Smith
Please don’t forget that the Mid-Range will be held on Saturday 15th September.

Historic Miniature Rifle meeting – match report

posted 20 Aug 2018, 10:50 by Tony Cattermole
Here is an Excel spreadsheet containing the results from the Historic Miniature Rifle meeting last weekend. This was the fifth year of the HBSA running the Historic Miniature Rifle event on the Winans range in August.
Scores continued to be very close, especially in the Supported classes, which remain popular.  “Victor Ludorum” goes to Ian Grant, who also wins the Special Prize for the most rounds fired!
 Sunday was busier than last year so our total numbers were about the same as 2017. Some very good scores were made, and some nice rifles seen. In particular I was pleased to see a rook rifle in the tiny 297/230 centrefire calibre doing so well. He uses 1.4 grains of powder apparently – very economical!
It was good to see so many Prone shooters, and that these 100 year old rifles are still accurate.
In particular I must thank my helpers Linda and Mike Welsh, who scored all the cards very promptly, Your friendly range officers were John Woodward and Adrian Dagger, who also found time to compete.
All comments about improvements, and offers of help for future years will be gratefully received.
HBSA Prize Certificates can be claimed on our “HBSA Results of Competitions” page

September 2018 shooting programme

posted 16 Aug 2018, 11:40 by Tony Cattermole   [ updated 16 Aug 2018, 11:41 ]
September shooting is as follows:
The Mid Range competition is to be shot on Saturday 15th September with the practice session on the 8th September. Both these days are at 500 yards AM and 300 yards PM. This may not be traditional, it was the only way I could get the NRA to accommodate us.
Paul Smith has kindly agreed to collate the entries and do the squadding for the day. He will assist on the day but will need an RO to sign for the ranges and help run the shoot under his supervision.
This is the only competition I book that is being shot on a Saturday this year. As I still work Saturdays, I will not be able to attend or help.
For these reasons we need one or preferably two RCO to sign for the ranges and help. Ideally one for the morning and one for the afternoon sessions.
I know it is a dirty word but VOLUNTEERS please.
The midweek rifle practice is on Century at 200yards.
Finally, we have the Mini McQueen organised by Derek Stimpson. This is on Saturday 29th September.
David Carroll

Change of lecture – Monday 20th August

posted 14 Aug 2018, 11:34 by Tony Cattermole   [ updated 14 Aug 2018, 11:35 ]
Regrettably Mark Khan is now unable to give the lecture next Monday.
We are very grateful that Jonathan Lewis has stepped in at very short notice, and will be speaking on the City Imperial Volunteers.
It promises to be an interesting evening.

BBC Panorama Monday 20th August 2018

posted 12 Aug 2018, 12:50 by Tony Cattermole
This programme will cover the Paul Edmunds case and issue of antiques used in crime.
We were approached via BSSC to do an interview in order to provide balance.
I was interviewed on 4th August after a long conversation some days beforehand. I covered all the relevant topics but what comes out depends on the editing, as you will be aware.
The interview was about one and a half hours and I don’t expect that I will be on screen more than a few minutes during a half hour programme. Nevertheless it was good that we were invited, although we depend on the Panorama team for the presentation. There is an HBSA meeting that evening although I will not be present. Derek Stimpson

HBSA 2018 Midland Rook & Rabbit 6th October

posted 12 Aug 2018, 10:56 by Tony Cattermole   [ updated 12 Aug 2018, 10:56 ]
The date for the Midland Rook & Rabbit Championships is rapidly approaching, another year has gone by. Please see the attached entry form for this year’s event, please enter as early as possible as I will not be available from 17th to 28th September. As you are well aware this is a highly enjoyable shoot so please advertise it to any one else you think would like to take part. Best Regards
Paul Smith

HBSA ‘4 TYPES’ COMPETITION 2018 – Match Report

posted 2 Aug 2018, 22:50 by Tony Cattermole   [ updated 2 Aug 2018, 22:50 ]
SHOT AT 100 YARDS ON SHORT SIBERIA RANGE BISLEY SUNDAY 29 JULY The 6 week spell of hot, dry weather broke dramatically on the morning of this competition and the 23 entrants who gathered at Bisley for this popular event were greeted by heavy and persistent rain. The HBSA gazebos were hastily erected (thank you David Carroll) and they provided some welcome shelter. The single course of fire (5 rounds single snaps and 5 rounds rapid ) gave some closely contested shooting, but interestingly, there were no ‘possibles’ all morning. Note that only your first attempt with a rifle counted as a score. Re-shoots did not ! The Butt party coped admirably with the wet targets, with patches frequently falling off as shots struck the faces. One contestant had at least 15 holes in his target after 10 shots ! Hopefully, the weather will be kinder for this event when repeated in the same format in 2019. Congratulations to all the winners and my sincere thanks to all who helped out on the Firing Point. One very important plea to all contestants – you MUST complete and sign the Range Register BEFORE you take your squadding cards. Match Results, Scores and Certificate claims here >>>
Mike Townsend RCO

400 yd rimfire range practice invitation – pm Thursday 6th September

posted 1 Aug 2018, 23:52 by Tony Cattermole
The Long Range Rimfire Club (LRRFC) are running a 400 yard only range practice on Thursday 6 Sept on Century range from 1330 to 1630 hrs.
3 x targets and markers are booked.
HBSA members will be very welcome to boost numbers attending.
The range fee will be £15.
Any class or style of 22 rimfire rifle will be welcome.
Please contact Mike Townsend if you would like to attend.
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