News 16 Nov 2018 to 20 Dec 2018

HBSA President’s Cup 2018 presentation

posted 20 Dec 2018, 01:14 by Tony Cattermole   [ updated 22 Dec 2018, 14:28 ]
Here is author Donald Dallas receiving the HBSA President’s Cup from Derek Stimpson HBSA Chairman. The presentation took place at Holt’s recent auction view on 11th December. Donald is also seen holding the cup with his gold medal which is retained by cup winners when the cup passes to the next winner.
The cup is presented for an outstanding contribution to firearms knowledge and research, especially breech loading arms. Donald received it for his recent book on Alexander Henry Rifle Maker, filling a considerable gap in the literature on that maker. He is well known for many other books on firearms and the major gun making firms. Donald will be happy to receive details of Alex Henry rifles, for his data base, from members who own them. Contact through Derek Stimpson

HBSA & Stourport on Severn Rook & Reindeer Christmas Charity Shoot

posted 15 Dec 2018, 21:41 by Tony Cattermole   [ updated 18 Dec 2018, 22:57 ]
Stourport on Severn, Saturday 3rd December 2018 Dear Competitors A very big thank you for taking part in our 3rd Christmas Rook and Reindeer shoot in aid of charity. We were once again privileged to be able to use the range at Stourport on Severn which is an excellent venue; it provides a covered firing point with plenty of room for all. I would very much like to thank the Committee and Members of Stourport on Severn Rifle club for allowing us the use of their range, and all those who attended and supported a very worthy cause. This year we attracted 12 entrants shooting in two categories, one for early Rim Rife rifles and the other for Central Fire (Rook) rifle. See the results here >>>
The same targets where used for both matches, a rather splendid Rook complete with Top Hat was the 25m target and a Reindeer was used at 50m Both targets are a challenge with open sights and reduced Winter light but evert one stepped up to task in hand.Match 1 was won by Phil Carter with a splendid score of 62, the prize for which was £20, Phil once more very generously donated his winnings back to the charity fund. Match 2 was a bring a prize shoot, all entrants had a prize of their choice from the selection available with the top score having first choice, with all competitors going home with a prize. Prizes included a Gun slip, Christmas, Biscuits and various bottles. During the morning Tea Coffee and some excellent biscuits were provided my some of the Stourport members. Special thanks to Mrs Boulton who made the biscuits. As a result of the entrance fees, donated prize money etc. A grand total of £162 was raised for Macmillan Cancer Support. A would like to wish all those who took part A Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year And thank you all for your continued support. Finally. I hope everyone had a good day and that we see you all next year for the annual Rook & Rabbit Shoot. Stourport on Severn 5th October 2019 Best Regards Paul Smith
Update to our charity collection. Due to a generous contribution from Linda & Mike Welsh who were unable to make it on Saturday, our total collection totalled £192 which has been paid to McMillian in support of the very valuable work they do. Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year Paul

HBSA Christmas Wappenschaw and Lunch – SUN 09 DEC 2018

posted 11 Dec 2018, 23:46 by Tony Cattermole   [ updated 11 Dec 2018, 23:47 ]
A field of 19 competitors assembled at 200 yards on a blustery and rather grey, drizzly day for the traditional Christmas ‘fun’ shoot and lunch.
The competition was a grouping exercise, with ten shots prone (rests and slings allowed in all classes) using standard NRA 200 yard round bull faces.  The results may be viewed here >>>>
Post shoot feed back indicated that a separate class for non – military iron sighted rifles would be popular. Also, as the marking for this style of competition is much less onerous than a normal ‘2ss and 10 to count’ shoot, in future, .22 rimfire rifles could be included as well. To my amazement, several competitors asked for targets with smaller black aiming marks – so next year’s Wappenschaw competition will be on Standard NRA RB or NRA /HBSA Historic faces with Tin Hats too – shooter’s choice !Our usual ‘Steak and Kidney Pie’ lunch was held in the pleasant surroundings of the LMRA members’ dining room as the ATSC was unavailable. My thanks go to David Carroll who RCO’d the competition and to all those who assisted on the firing point and also to those who helped me in the butts.
Particular mention must be made of Tony Cattermole, who ran the stats and had made up an excellent score board . He gave us a most interesting short talk after lunch on the process of cordite manufacture at the Kynoch works using sheep’s wool and how soap became one of the by-products. He also explained the mystery of how and why cordite strands were loaded into bottle shaped cartridge cases before they were necked.Mike Townsend

Offensive Weapons Bill – December update

posted 10 Dec 2018, 19:27 by Tony Cattermole   [ updated 10 Dec 2018, 19:27 ]
As members may be aware this is now in the Lords. The high power rifle ban has been withdrawn but it remains to be seen what comes from the Peers before it goes back to the Commons, especially in relation to Miniature Rifle Clubs (Sect 11(4). Needless to say we are tracking this and with input/briefing as required, in close co-operation with BSSC. We will keep you informed as far as we are able. Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and Happy Healthy and Happy New Year

Phil Godliman

posted 23 Nov 2018, 11:47 by Tony Cattermole   [ updated 25 Nov 2018, 14:15 ]
My father Phil Godliman recently passed away. I believe was a member of HBSA. I don’t know if anyone at HBSA who knew Phil is still a member or even still alive (Dad was 92) but just in case could you let members know? We are having a service at Slough Crematorium on 12th December at 2pm. Thanks, Mike Godliman Members will be sad to learn of the recent passing of Phil Godliman. He was 92 and had been active well into his 80’s. Phil was a stalwart of HBSA and a founder member. There will be a service at Slough Crematorium on 12th December at 14.00. By the way his son writes it seems that members wishing to attend will be welcome Derek Stimpson

Robert Edminson

posted 23 Nov 2018, 10:38 by Tony Cattermole   [ updated 23 Nov 2018, 10:38 ]
We have received the sad news that Robert Edminson passes away. He had been much involved in the Tameside club and would have been known to many members. Derek Stimpson

European Firearms Passes after 29th March 2019

posted 20 Nov 2018, 15:42 by Tony Cattermole   [ updated 20 Dec 2018, 01:18 ]
Members should be aware of the situation regarding EFPs post 29th March 2019. Of course there will be other issues but if you have and use an EFP please look at the attached link: Derek Stimpson

Legislative update October & November 2018

posted 19 Nov 2018, 23:11 by Tony Cattermole
Attached is David Penn’s legislative update.

HBSA Wappenschaw Competition & Christmas Lunch – at Bisley Sunday 9th December 2018

posted 18 Nov 2018, 21:29 by Tony Cattermole   [ updated 18 Nov 2018, 21:29 ]
HBSA Wappenschaw Competition & Christmas Lunch – at Bisley
Sunday 9th December 2018
If you haven’t already entered for our Christmas Wappenschaw ‘fun’ shoot and lunch, please do so as soon as possible.
Full details are on the website under ‘Competitions – Wappenschaw’.  All entries are ‘online’ and the closing date for both shoot and lunch will be 4th December.
I hope to see lots of you there  to round off our shooting year.
Mike Townsend
Wappenschaw Organiser/RCO

FAC “Collecting” condition

posted 16 Nov 2018, 20:14 by Tony Cattermole   [ updated 16 Nov 2018, 20:15 ]
Following a recent request I am re-posting and amplifying the following post from 2016. Members are reminded that if they have a collection of Section 1 firearms (or seek to establish one) then these may be identified on their FAC. You will need to explain your theme or proposed theme to the police. A typical collecting condition (where collecting is the “good reason”) might read:- “The firearms which are identified by an asterisk (*) on this certificate must be possessed, purchased or acquired by the holder of the certificate only for the purpose of its being kept or exhibited as part of a collection and may be fired occasionally (or it may say “not to be fired” if that is your wish)”. Section 7 firearms are automatically treated as a collection and marked on the FAC by an asterisk or hatch mark. There is reference to collecting in the Guide on Firearms Licensing Law in various places, notably, Chapter 8: Antique Firearms, Chapter 13: Good reason to possess a firearm, and Appendix 3: Conditions for firearm certificates. It should be noted that “occasionally” is not defined as such, nor is use, and such occasional use for any collectors item may be any form of shooting, including practice, competition, game shooting etc. The consideration to keep in mind is “reasonable”. Needless to say if you wish to use a particular item from the collection on your FAC more than a few times during the year then it may be preferable not to rely on collecting as your good reason and to record the use, as with your other firearms. The good reason for possession would then be target shooting (or as appropriate). The good reason can always be amended to “collecting” if your shooting reduces or ceases. If you have questions or concerns please get in touch – we are here to help Derek Stimpson
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