News 5 Jan 2019 to 24 Feb 2019

Home Office advice re European Firearms Pass

posted 24 Feb 2019, 23:11 by Tony Cattermole   [ updated 24 Feb 2019, 23:12 ]
Members should note the following email received from the Home Office. I will keep members posted but if there are any questions I will try to deal with them. Derek Stimpson
Home Office advice re EFP “I’m writing from the Home Office, working on preparations for our exit from the EU on 29 March. Leaving the EU with a deal remains the Government’s top priority. This has not changed. However, a responsible government must plan for every eventuality, including a no deal scenario. We have previously written to you about guidance for travelling with a European Firearms Pass if there’s no Brexit deal, so people could make informed plans and preparations. Changes to EFPs If we leave the EU without a deal, UK residents will no longer be able to use a European Firearms Pass to travel with their firearm. They would need to comply with whatever licensing requirements each EU country imposes, as well as UK import and export licensing requirements. What this means for your members Anyone travelling to, or due to be in, an EU country with their firearm after 29 March will need to check licensing requirements with the country they’re travelling to. This is particularly important if any of your members are taking part in competitions or events shortly after we leave the EU. Countries may have varying lead times for applying for licenses, so your members should consider checking requirements now. If you are sponsoring an EU visitor to the UK, you should apply to the local police force for a Visitor’s Permit like now, but will not need to show a valid EFP as part of this process. Next steps We’d like you to share this information with your members, to make sure they’re prepared in case we leave the EU without a deal. If you receive any enquiries from your members, sponsors or visitors about travelling with firearms after we leave the EU, you can direct them to further information on GOV.UK. “

BADA survey of the economic impact of the Ivory Act 2018

posted 21 Feb 2019, 15:40 by Tony Cattermole   [ updated 21 Feb 2019, 15:40 ]
A request to those members that this may affect to complete the survey please.
Many thanks 
Derek Stimpson  
BADA survey of the economic impact of the Ivory Act 2018
As you know, regrettably the Ivory Act was passed in December, will come into force at the end of this year and, despite its exemptions, the commercial sale of many thousands of genuine antique objects that happen to incorporate 10% or more ivory will become illegal.  Whether it’s chess sets, silver teapots, ivory fans or Chinese carved figures, we believe the impact on some owners of these historical items will be significant.
BADA, with the support of LAPADA, the Antiquities Dealers’ Association and SOFAA, wants to assess the financial impact the Ivory Act has already had and will have once it comes into force.  We know that some people have been selling items in their collections or stock before the legislation is implemented and others have held onto the items, with the prospect of them becoming unsaleable.  The survey data will be used to produce a report aggregating all these losses; the names of individuals taking part will not be used in the report and will not be made known to BADA.  It is possible that the report could become a vital piece of evidence in the event of a legal challenge to the Act. BADA is currently fundraising in preparation for such a challenge. If you would like to donate please email or call 020 7589 4128.
BADA’s survey is being undertaken by Woodnewton, an independent market research company.  To take part please click on the survey link:
Please note that although you can move between different pages of the survey and make corrections, once you have selected “Done” on the final page you will be unable to resubmit your answers. The deadline for completing the survey is 4 March 2019.
We strongly urge you to forward this message to anyone (collectors, dealers, investors or auctioneers) who you believe has already been or will be financially damaged by the Ivory Act.  The more people who take part in the survey the greater the authority it will carry.

An update for members regarding the Offensive Weapon Bill and associated issues

posted 20 Feb 2019, 00:12 by Tony Cattermole   [ updated 20 Feb 2019, 00:12 ]
Working in cooperation with BSSC a very comprehensive brief was produced for the Lords readings and Grand Committee. The Bill will shortly go back to the Commons. It seems likely that rapid firing rifles (MARS & lever release) will become prohibited, but not high energy rifles at present. The latter will be the subject of a public consultation after Queen’s Assent to the Bill. Also expected to be the subject of a public consultation are issues raised in debates on the OWB, namely; Miniature Rifle Clubs – the 11(4) Exemption, handloading, air guns and medical evidence. Another serious matter is continued use of lead in shooting and EU law (to which we are signed up). More detail can be found in the Legislative Update which can be found elsewhere on this website >>>>. Needless to say we continue to work closely with BSSC in following and addressing these issues.

Historic Miniature Rifle Field-Firing Match on Saturday 30th March 2019

posted 18 Feb 2019, 00:30 by Tony Cattermole   [ updated 18 Feb 2019, 00:32 ]
Herts & Essex Shooting Association in association with HBSA are holding their 12th annual Historic Field-Firing Match on Saturday 30th March 2019 at the
HESA Range Little Leighs Hall, Church Lane, Little Leighs, Chelmsford Essex CM3 1PG
Refreshments will be available with all profits to the Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal
Closing Date for Entries: Monday 25th March 2019
Rifles must use ∙22RF or other miniature rifle cartridge as approved by the HESA or HBSA
(e.g. ∙297/∙230 Morris Tube, ∙310 Cadet or Air Rifle Pellet).
This match provides a loose representation of the Field Firing Training using targetry variously in use between the 1920’s and post Second World War.
Multiple entries of each Match are permitted provided that a different firearm is used for each
Entry. All arms shall be appropriately licensed and “in proof’.
All shooting is at 25 yards for all Classes.
Course of Fire: 
Unlimited non convertible sighter’s (300 seconds)
Ten shots prone (Sand bag may be used) at 5 Tin Hat targets (2 shots per bull) (120 seconds).
Ten shots kneeling from behind “Cover” (Available support and sand bag may be used)
at 5 Landscape targets (2 shots per bull) (120 seconds).
Five shots standing shot over a “Fire Trench Parapet” (Available support and sand bag may be used) at 3 Figure 4A targets (5 shots on 3 bulls) (180 seconds).
Five shots standing shot over a “Fire Trench Parapet” (Available support and sand bag may be used) at 3 1931 snap targets (5 shots on 3 bulls) (1 per, 5 second exposure).
Matches for rifles:
  • Vintage (pre-1888), Classic Service (1889-1918)
  • Classic (1889-1918) Any Rifle
  • Veteran Service (1919-1945)
  • Veteran (1919-1945) Any Rifle
  • Post Veteran (1946-1960) Any Rifle
  • Modern Rifles (post 1960)
  • Sniper Rifles (any date line)
  • Semi Auto Rifles (Self loading) – Telescopic Sights or iron.
Entrance Fees: £6.00 for 1st entry (including limited edition pin), £5.00 for 2nd entry, £4.00 for 3rd entry.
Or contact:  or

Open meetings for “REPEATING PISTOL” at Bisley 2019

posted 10 Feb 2019, 12:37 by Tony Cattermole   [ updated 10 Feb 2019, 12:37 ]
Based on “Classic” NRA courses of fire, tiered system of percussion revolvers — “STANDARD PERCUSSION” / “TARGET” and “FREE” and matches for “MODERN MUZZLE-LOADERS”… all that is left for us for Pistol Competitions since the Firearms (Amendments) Act 1987. TWO-handed shooting as well as “Offhand”, and allowing Black Powder substitutes (such as Triple 7… ). Entry Fees WELL below those for the Phoenix, IHAM and TM. Illuminated Prize Certificates and “Skilled Shot” awards. There are three Open Meetings already confirmed. APRIL 13-14 Army Target Shooting Club A full programme of Gallery Rifle, Air Pistol, Long Barrel P &R and M-L. The “R.P” Matches are on the Saturday AM & PM and Sunday AM, with MLAIC Precision and (NRA) T&P1 and “Multi-Target” on the Sunday p.m. Entry forms can be downloaded from the Surrey Branch MLAGB website and returned to JULY 20-21 Surrey Branch MLAGB “RP OPEN” As part of the NRA “Imperial Meeting. This also includes the two “South London RC Pistol Pairs” team events, and separate Branches of the MLAGB count as “Separate Clubs”. SEPTEMBER 14-15 Surrey Branch MLAGB “RP OPEN” Details available from the Surrey Branch MLAGB Website (under Downloads/Competitions) and also from
Jim Hallam

Legislative Update for November 2018 & January 2019

posted 24 Jan 2019, 23:41 by Tony Cattermole   [ updated 20 Feb 2019, 00:48 ]
Attached is David Penn’s legislative update.

Unveiling of a WW1 Commemorative Plaque at the Royal SmallArms Island Centre

posted 19 Jan 2019, 13:10 by Tony Cattermole   [ updated 19 Jan 2019, 13:11 ]
On 16th January I attended the unveiling of a plaque to commemorate the contribution by Royal Small Arms Factory Enfield (RSAF) workers to WW1 efforts. See following comments. Derek Stimpson
Patrick Gray the Heritage Manager of RSA Trust wrote:- Thank you for coming to the RSA Island Centre and taking part in the unveiling of our plaque to commemorate the efforts of the workers of the Royal Small Arms Factory during the Great War. It was lovely seeing you attend and I hope that you enjoyed yourselves meeting new people and catching up with friends and acquaintances. I would like to thank Gary Walker, Martin Jewell and the other Trustees of the RSA Trust for hosting this event and being on hand to welcome you to the Centre. I’m incredibly grateful to Philip Abbott and the Royal Armouries team who set up the Roll of Honour project and have made this memorial plaque possible. The work of John, Jan and Stacey from Enfield Museum & Local Studies has also driven this project forward and I’m grateful for their support on the day as well. Ray Tuthill and the RSAF Apprentices Association have been instrumental in not only sourcing objects and helping the Trustees of the RSA Trust set up the RSA Interpretation Centre, but have also aided the research for this project. Finally I’d like to thank Jim Lewis for his pulling the rope to unveil the plaque to the world. His passion for the Lea Valley and knowledge of the history of the Royal Small Arms Factory are second to none. The Roll of Honour project will continue, with new stories about the workers and operations of the Factory coming to light throughout the project. There will be further exhibitions, family events and a plaque to the Second World War coming later this year! Patrick Gray Heritage Manager RSA Trust Tel: 020 8482 2281 Mob: 07905 809 191

Offensive Weapons Bill – January 2019 Update

posted 9 Jan 2019, 18:51 by Tony Cattermole   [ updated 9 Jan 2019, 18:51 ]
As members may be aware the OWB was given its second reading in the House of Lords last Monday. Our input went into the briefing note provided to Peers by BSSC, which is an excellent and very complete document. As far as firearms are concerned there were few surprises. The Lords Shrewsbury and Bilimoria in particular gave detailed positive addresses, as indeed did others. The issues of violence in society and lack of police resources were raised. The Government seems committed to hold the enquiry into “.50 rifles” after the Bill. The position on rapid firing rifles replicated what came out of the Commons so we will see what the effect of support for them has is in due course. Section 11(4), an important issue for the shooting community, was not mentioned, but we know that it will be looked at as part of the enquiry after the Bill. Medical reporting was mentioned by the Minister as an important issue so hopefully we will see progress. We have written to him under the BSSC banner in relation to the unsatisfactory situation that prevails at present. I will keep members posted as circumstances permit.
Derek Stimpson

HBSA Long Range .22 Rimfire and Historic Miniature Rifle competition – Sunday 24TH March 2019Untitled Post

posted 5 Jan 2019, 20:39 by Tony Cattermole   [ updated 5 Jan 2019, 21:54 ]
Our annual Long Range .22RF Competition will be held on Short Siberia (200 yards am) and Century ranges (300 yards pm) at Bisley, on Sunday 24th March 2019. The Competition is open to modern and historic .22RF rifles with classes for both telescopic and iron sighted rifles.
This year we are also including a Service Rifle class for Classic and Veteran miniature bore training and converted service rifles (rimfire and centre fire).Full details and entry forms can be found on the HBSA website here >>>
Entry is strictly ‘online only’ and will close on Wed 20 March – so don’t delay, enter today.Mike Townsend RCO

RSAF Plaque unveiling – Enfield

posted 5 Jan 2019, 13:42 by Tony Cattermole   [ updated 5 Jan 2019, 13:43 ]
The unveiling of a plaque to commemorate the work of the RSAF during the First World War will take place at 12:30 on 16 January 2019, at the site of the factory (this coincides with the date of the panoramic photographs). The unveiling will be carried out by Jim Lewis, who did his PhD on Enfield, and has a new book coming out. There will be a small reception afterwards in the Community Centre. Ian Patrick and myself were invited. I will attend on behalf of HBSA. Philip Abbot, Archives and Records Manager of Royal Armouries has kindly asked us to circulate the details to HBSA members, and ask anyone who would like to attend to contact him on his email address, He will add them to the guest list (although please note space is limited to 100 people so if you wish to attend please advise quickly).
Location :- RSA Island Centre, 12 Island Centre Way, Enfield EN3 6GS
Derek Stimpson
201-210 of 709