posted 6 Jul 2019, 21:33 by Tony Cattermole [ updated 6 Jul 2019, 21:33 ]
The NRA are short of range officers for the Imperial Historic Arms meeting next Saturday and Sunday, particularly on Short Siberia 200 and on Melville.
If you fancy a fun weekend, the NRA will supply accommodation, breakfast and lunch, and petrol money. No great expertise is required – you know that you could do it.
If you think that you could help, please contact Becky Mills, Competitions Manager, T: 01483 797777 (ext) 160
posted 2 Jul 2019, 09:01 by Tony Cattermole
The following events are planned over the next 2 months.
The shoot on 14th July has been cancelled. Many of our members are already committed to other events either as range officers or competitors making this date impractical.
The 14th was to have been a celebration of the 150th anniversary of the Imperial. We have decided to make the 4 types competition the anniversary shoot.
The Wednesday rifle practice is on 17th July this is at 100 yards on Short Siberia, this will enable rifles to be zeroed and skills honed for the 4 types.
The Imperial 4 Types is on 28th July, run by Mike Townsend. Flyer attached
The Long Range competition is on the 18th August shooting at 900 in the morning and 1000 yards in the afternoon. We have 4 targets booked for both.
Saturday the 17th is the practice day we have one lane booked morning and afternoon both starting at 900 falling back to 1000yards.
Mike Townsend is running the practice day, Paul Smith is the match organiser.
May I have a volunteer to split the RO duties in the afternoon please..
Finally the August rifle practice is on 21st on century at 200 yards. Please note if you turn up at the advertised range and do not see anyone the NRA sometimes switch us between short Siberia and Century at short (no) notice.
Dave Carroll
posted 1 Jul 2019, 21:06 by Tony Cattermole [ updated 1 Jul 2019, 21:06 ]
900 & 1000 Yards
Classes for Vintage, Classic, Veteran and “Post Veteran First Generation 7.62mm Service and Target Rifles
(Practice Day Saturday 17th August 2019)
It is a constant battle to keep all of our shooting events viable which means places are limited, too avoid disappointment book early. Your support is crucial to this meeting, without you it will cease to exist.
The Long-Range Championship Meeting will be held at Bisley on Century ranges on Sunday 18th August, with a practice day on Saturday 17th
Paul Smith will once more be acting Match organizer with David Carrol as RO contact details below.
This event is intended to encourage the use of Service and Target rifles which fall into one of the following categories Vintage, Classic, Veteran and Post Veteran.
Under competitive conditions but mainly to have an enjoyable day shooting alongside other like minded individuals.
If you have not previously attended this meeting come and have a go, we are always ready to assist and encourage new comers.
If you own a suitable rifle come and have a go, you never know you may well show us all how it should be done.
There are classes for just about every type of Historic Rifle.
All match entries will be via the HBSA online system which will be made open for entries nearer the time.
Further information and match details can be found on the HBSA Website or obtained from Paul Smith
posted 1 Jul 2019, 20:17 by Tony Cattermole [ updated 1 Jul 2019, 21:06 ]
The HBSA ‘4 Types’ Competition ( formerly the Siege of Mafeking, Old Bill and Two Types Competitions) will be held on 28th July 2019 from 0830 hrs at Short Siberia range, Bisley.
Rifles from the Boer War, WW1, WW2 and later may be entered, but please see the HBSA website and the ‘Four Types Competition’ for exact Rifle Class details.
The course of fire for all classes of rifle will be : 5 rounds ‘Single Snaps’, a 30 second reloading period and then 5 rounds ‘Rapid’ in 20 secs.Note: NO sighters, so only bring zeroed rifles.
Our popular Fig11/DP1 turning targets will be used with a 4 inch wide x 31 inch high central ‘Bull’ area scoring 5 points, all other hits on the target face score 3 points.
All entry and payment is strictly online as per HBSA website, you get three shoots for one entry.
posted 30 Jun 2019, 23:04 by Tony Cattermole [ updated 30 Jun 2019, 23:06 ]
The annual 1910 competition was shot today (30/06/19). Luckily the blistering heat of Saturday was tempered by a light breeze and some cloud making it pleasant day for shooting.
Unusually the target shed had put out the correct targets, this made a pleasant change. Why they have so much trouble with the historic targets I do not know
The competitor number this year was reduced, we had 9 shooters (14 last year). This meant that there was only one competitor in some classes. It may be that if we continue to run this shoot it might be better to adopt a simplified form with fewer classes of rifle. The current format is complicated to administer and has to be entered by post not online.
I hope a pleasant shoot was had by all.
posted 28 Jun 2019, 20:26 by Tony Cattermole [ updated 28 Jun 2019, 20:26 ]
The Historical Breechloading Smallarms Association Presents:
Historic Arms Exhibition
Celebrating the 150th NRA Imperial Meeting
Saturday 13th of July
“Bisley Pavilion Webley Room”
(Rear training room, please use left side entrance on veranda)
10:00 to 16:00
A display of S58(2), S1, S5 and S7.1 Breechloading Arms
posted 20 Jun 2019, 07:46 by Tony Cattermole
Please see the following message and weblink received yesterday from the Home Office in respect of new fee levels for clubs, museums, dealers, carriers etc.
Derek Stimpson
“The Home Office has today (18/06/2019) published its response to a consultation on fees for firearms licences administered by the Home Office and Scottish Ministers. (Licences for prohibited firearms; museums with firearms collections; and approved target shooting clubs). The Government introduced a power to set the fees in the Crime and Policing Act 2017 and held a public consultation on detailed proposals from 12 January 2017 to 9 March 2017. The fee levels announced today are in most cases the same as those set out in the letter of 3 April 2018 from Nick Hunt, Head of the Serious Violence Unit, to shooting organisations who had taken part in the “Roundtable” discussions following the consultation.
In the case of museums, the Government has opted to maintain the current fee level of £200 for the first grant and renewal of a museum licence. In addition, museums that hold museum firearms licences will not be subject to any fee payable to the Home Office or Scottish Government in respect of section 5 dealer licences.”
The consultation response is available at
posted 19 Jun 2019, 23:35 by Tony Cattermole [ updated 19 Jun 2019, 23:37 ]
Having just returned from the FESAC AGM in Holland we can now publish my UK report to that meeting together with the other country reports here >>>>
All the existing FESAC officers and board members were re-elected.
The operational base of FESAC will remain a foundation with a similar structure. We will however seek to achieve more inclusivity of any local associations in each country which may not yet be members. A more complete report on that will follow when it is more defined.
Derek Stimpson
posted 14 Jun 2019, 18:25 by Tony Cattermole [ updated 14 Jun 2019, 18:25 ]
To accompany Guy and Leonard’s recent book on the Chassepot rifle, their latest publication covers the Dreyse Military Needle-Ignition System.
Members of the HBSA will recognise the names of the authors as long time members of the HBSA and regular contributors to our Journal.
Copies of both publications are available from the publisher at £45.00 each on the link below:
or from ISBN 978-1-84683-190-4
Chris Reid
posted 12 Jun 2019, 16:59 by Tony Cattermole [ updated 12 Jun 2019, 16:59 ]
On 22nd May we advised the Home Office changes to the RFD application process. That notice concluded with:
The Statutory Instrument and the Home Office Circular will be circulated shortly.
Now please see the link below to Home Office Circular 005/2019 which includes a link to the Statutory Instrument: