HBSA Christmas at Bisley on Sunday 15th December
posted 23 Oct 2019, 20:50 by Tony Cattermole [ updated 23 Oct 2019, 20:51 ]
On Sunday 15th December we have 4 (yes four) events that members can enjoy, and we hope to see a big convivial gathering at lunchtime:
8.30 – 12.00 Heritage Pistol on Cheylesmore Range
Remember to book out your pistols in advance
8.30 – 12.00 HBSA Wappenshaw rifle shoot on Short Siberia 200
will be a fun ‘Smallest Group’ competition (book here >>>)
12.30 – 13.45 HBSA Christmas Lunch at ATSC (bar opens at 12.00)
Our traditional ‘Steak and Kidney Pie’ Christmas lunch (book by 10th Dec here >>>)
14.00 – 16.00 HBSA Christmas Lecture in Cheylesmore Range training room
“The Webley .38″ Enigma” by Ian Patrick (No booking required)
Coffee and mince pies included
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posted 12 Oct 2019, 11:33 by Tony Cattermole
This year’s Wappenschaw Competition will be held at 200 yards on Short Siberia Range, Bisley at 0830 hrs on Sunday 15th December.
Once again, the shoot will be a ‘Smallest Group’ competition for BP and large bore rifles, military iron sighted rifles, military and transitional target rifles and also for ‘Historical rifles’ with contemporary optical sights.
Please only bring rifles with a known 200 yard zero – if any part of your group is off the target it cannot be measured and is effectively infinite!
There will be a single course of fire for all classes (10 shots) with the group size measured and recorded.
Our traditional ‘Steak and Kidney Pie’ Christmas lunch will be held at 12.45 hrs in the ATSC Dining Room.
For full details of the shoot and lunch visit HBSA Competitions online and go to ‘Wappenschaw 2019’ Note: All entries are strictly ‘Online’ here >>>>
I look forward to seeing lots of you at Bisley for this challenging but fun shoot.
Mike Townsend
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Firearms licensing and Republic of Ireland post Brexit
posted 8 Oct 2019, 23:29 by Tony Cattermole [ updated 8 Oct 2019, 23:29 ]
Members may wish to note this communication regarding travelling to Republic of Ireland with firearms post-Brexit.
Derek Stimpson
(Edit post) | Attachments: Communiqué to firearms interest groups.docx
HBSA Midland Rook & Rabbit Rifle Competition
posted 6 Oct 2019, 19:45 by Tony Cattermole [ updated 6 Oct 2019, 19:46 ]
Stourport on Severn, Saturday 5th October 2019
Dear Competitors
Thank you all for competing in this our 14th Annual Midland Rook and Rabbit competition. Results >>>>
We were once again privileged to be able to use the range at Stourport on Severn which is an excellent venue; providing a covered firing point with plenty of room and a separate range for the muzzle loading match.
I would very much like to thank the Committee and Members of Stourport on Severn Rifle club for allowing us the use of their range.
This was the 11th match to take place at Stourport On Severn (not including the American and Christmas shoots), I am not sure what happened to all those years but I can say the facilities have improved dramatically during this time.
The weather this year started out a little chilly which improved as the day went on, the light in the morning was reduced making the first detail a little difficult at 50m but again this improved as the day progressed, but overall it was dry and relatively warm.
This year we attracted 13 (19 in 2018) entrants shooting 39 (52 in 2018) matches, unfortunately 1 entrant had to withdraw at the last minute due to ill health.
Some 5 or 6 regulars did not attend due to health and other commitments.
This meeting continues to be is very well supported even through the number were reduced this year.
Chris Gray & Richard Morris acted as RO and everything ran very smoothly.
Mike Welsh very kindly completed all the scoring assisted by Linda.
All those present where treated to some excellent biscuits (provided by Mrs Boulton) and a superb Chocolate cake (provided by Chris Gray) which was washed down with copious cups of tea and coffee.
Many thanks to all those who attended and helped out during the day.
I hope everyone had a good day and that we see you all again.
Christmas Charity Rook & Reindeer Saturday 7th December 2019, with all proceeds going to Macmillan Cancer Support.
Next year’s Rook & Rabbit @ Stourport on Severn Saturday 3rd October 2020
Following some discussions yesterday we will try to run some sort of shoot in the Spring of 2020 further details to follow.
Additionally the range hire fees this year have been waived therefore £50 will be donated towards Macmillian Cancer Support.
Best Regards
Paul Smith
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HBSA 2019 Open Mid Range Championship
posted 30 Sept 2019, 23:41 by Tony Cattermole
Dear Members
This competition took place on Sunday 29th September. We had 17 contestants scheduled to shoot 25 cards; 300 yards in the morning; 500 yards in the afternoon.
There were 3 missing on the day, one due to illness 2 no shows (weather forecast?).
We had to delay the start for about 40 minutes as a particularly heavy belt of rain went through, however, the rest of the morning was quite pleasant, a few lighter showers/drizzle. There was a medium but reasonably steady crosswind. The cards were all shot leaving some time at the end for further practice.
The afternoon started with members contending well with the increasing and more changeable wind. The last shooters had to fire into the murk of further rainstorms.
Finance: Takings £540. Markers cost £300.00 and the targets cost £330.00 total costs £660.00 so a loss of £110.00 was made.
Results here >>>
David Carroll
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October Shooting
posted 29 Sept 2019, 22:27 by Tony Cattermole [ updated 29 Sept 2019, 22:27 ]
I am sorry but I am going to have to cancel the planned rifle practice on Sunday 6th October. As I will not be able to run it.
If you know of anyone who might attend please make sure they get this message.
The rifle practice on Wednesday 16th will go ahead as usual. At present this is on Short Siberia 100yards.
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HBSA Merchandise
posted 24 Sept 2019, 22:56 by Tony Cattermole [ updated 25 Sept 2019, 01:19 ]
All HBSA Merchandise is now available for purchase online from our website here:
Journal binder (holds 12 editions)
Report binder (holds 12 editions)
Journal back copies
Historic Pistol targets
Historic Machinegun DVD
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Mini McQueen – Saturday 28th September
posted 21 Sept 2019, 23:57 by Tony Cattermole [ updated 21 Sept 2019, 23:57 ]
Members will be aware from the calendar that our third Mini McQueen shoot will take place on Saturday the 28th September 2019 on Time Limit range at Bisley. This is a .22RF practice at 50 yds being a miniature version of the normal McQueen. 2 sighters and 10 to count. You will need a rifle with a 10 round magazine or fast single loader and a telescope of not less than x 4 power. The paddles are very small!
Two “castles” are set up, so two shooters each detail, which takes approximately 15 minutes. Shooting starts at 09.00. Booking online here >>> Range fee is £15 for a half day with 2 shoots. Don’t forget your FAC and SCC.
Given that there will be limited places if everyone is to get a minimum of two goes so please go on line and pay and book your place as soon as possible.
This is great fun so do come along and try it!
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posted 15 Sept 2019, 21:59 by Tony Cattermole [ updated 15 Sept 2019, 21:59 ]
This has been yet another very active year in all respects.
We are once more made welcome for our AGM at the Royal Gunpowder Mills by the staff and volunteers. We hope that the future of this iconic and historic location is now secured, and what is there preserved.
Our monthly meetings and lectures continue at the Museum of London in their excellent Clore Education Centre and we are most grateful to them. We have enjoyed a series of interesting and educational lectures there and our thanks go to all the presenters.
One of the lectures was from our President, Dr. Roads, regarding the “cutting edge” Firearms Museum, which he designed, and has just opened in Oman.
The shooting and collecting community in UK continues to be under great pressure.
The major item we have faced in the last year was the Bill, which became the Offensive Weapons Act.
The Bill was intended to deal with knives and corrosive liquids in view of the high level of crime with those, and firearms were added subsequently, requiring great effort to overcome some proposals.
We also had to look at the situation of knife and bayonet collectors. The Act introduces controls on sales (including online), delivery and displays.
Regarding firearms, the Act prohibits two types of rapid firing rifles (trigger and lever release). Prohibition of high energy rifles (.50 cal. BMG etc.) was withdrawn (with the proposal of enhanced security), as were some Labour party proposals (elimination of sect 11(4) – the Miniature Rifle Range exemption, controls on hand-loading and air guns). As I write this the expected Public consultation on these is in hand.
We have, during the last year, given considerable input to the Home Office, both in writing and at meetings, in relation to the next stage of definition of an antique in the Act. That is, the Statutory Instrument defining an obsolete ignition system and an obsolete cartridge.
The list, currently included as an appendix in the “Guide on Firearms Licensing Law”, will become statutory. The definition of antique which is now in Section 126 of the Act incorporates the statutory list. This will be by obsolete “propulsion system” or “obsolete cartridge”, which will define Sect 58 (2) arms. The concept of the list seems established, but the additions (or subtractions) of cartridges from the existing one, together with the date, currently 1939, await agreement.
The Statutory Instrument is expected later this year and should also include the details of compensation for the now prohibited trigger and lever release rifles.
New fees have been established in the P & C Act, which include Home Office Clubs approvals, Museum Firearm Licenses, Registered Firearms Dealers with authorities for prohibited weapons (hitherto issued free) and Sect 5 Carriers, Marine Security Companies, Olympic Shooters and Trophies of War. There are substantial increases both for grant and renewal, but nowhere near what was first proposed, so both the Home Office and the BSSC may claim some success.
The medical certification by GPs also remains a subject of debate. We have participated in Home Office meetings on the topic and also strongly underlined that the 2016 guidance should apply until the public consultation just released is complete and new guidance drawn up.
Another issue in hand is the controls on Ivory. This issue is now up for Judicial Review and my post on the website gives more detail.
Potential air weapon controls are expected to be reviewed in the Autumn.
This is expected to be dealt with by strengthened regulations rather than legislation.
We participated in the revision of the wording of the new non statutory “Guide on Firearms Licensing Law” providing recommendations and clarifications to the Home Office in conjunction with BSSC.
Member states are introducing the EU Directive into their legislation in varying soft and hard forms. Its current form was a result of much hard work on our part and other organizations and colleagues, especially and notably the efforts of Stephen Petroni and FESAC. Two remaining issues being debated are standards of deactivation and large capacity magazines.
I attended the FESAC AGM in June this year in Holland as the UK representative. My report has been published. One main issue resolved is that FESAC remains a Foundation rather than becoming a Federation. We are looking at potential expansion of inclusiveness.
I regularly attend British Shooting Sports Council (BSSC) meetings, having also now been appointed chairman of its Technical & Research Committee, as well as attending other parallel groups. BSSC is a vital coordinating central entity for the shooting and collecting organizations in all fields.
David Penn retired as Secretary at the AGM in March 2019. He was presented with a handsome Armada plate at the Annual Luncheon by Jonathan Djanogly, the Chairman, with thanks for his many years of work.
Graham Downing, already known to many of us, took over as Secretary.
David was co-opted to BSSC so we will continue to receive the benefit of his expertise and historic knowledge.
Through BSSC we are updated on World Forum, FACE and other activities in Europe.
Needless to say the issue of lead is also one that we will have to deal with soon, and we follow that carefully.
David’s “Legislative Updates” to HBSA and MLAGB are valuable summaries and will continue. We thank him for all his work, both for us, and as Secretary of BSSC.
I represent HBSA (and also BDS) at the Metropolitan Police FLD “Independent Advisory Group” which meets two or three times a year. It is proving a useful two-way communication forum. We have been in touch with a number of Police FLDs on collecting and Section 7 issues and have been able to provide letters and telephone calls supporting members.
We also continue to have meetings at the Home Office, and maintain contact with NABIS, the police and other entities. BSSC Practitioners Group is a useful forum for these contacts as well as collaboration.
Standards of training for Police Firearms Licensing Depts. have now been established and published in the “Learning standards for FEO’s and those exercising delegated authorities” document. We were able to review and comment on this, one point being mentioned was “interpersonal skills”.
Rev. Dr. Paul Wilcock, our new Editor, is working on the next Journal issue. We wish him continued success. Stephen Barrett remains on the editorial panel. Thanks to them both.
Our finances show a modest surplus in 2018 as detailed in the Treasurer’s Report. We have good financial security for the coming year. Thanks go to Tony Cattermole for all his work as Treasurer and to Molly Milner for reviewing the accounts.
The website and email alerts are a very complete source of information to members. There are however members who still require news on paper, which they continue to get from Report, and thanks go to our Report Editor, John Lechner. We all benefit from the interesting articles.
Our website continues to be an excellent central point of reference for members, non-members, students, researchers, etc. Journal summaries, Legislative updates, lectures and our calendar are all much visited by our members, researchers and others. Thanks are due to Tony Cattermole, our webmaster, for his continuing work on this and e-communications with members. We also have a specifically dedicated means to store and access the picture library that we have on the website, for which we have to thank David Frohnwieser.
Our successful First World War firearms film can now be viewed via a link on our website, as also our 40th Anniversary MG film. Thanks to Tony Cattermole for setting this up and to those members who assisted with descriptions of the arms included. The number of viewings of this successful project continues to rise.
We thank David Carroll our Range Practice Officer, who has completed another year of successfully running our shooting program, with support from Mike Townsend, Paul Smith, Allan Kirk, Maurice Kanareck, Steve Isherwood, Tim Castle, Terry Hoskins, and others.
Heritage pistol also had another successful year and we thank Molly and Richard Milner for organizing and running the shoots. Molly will take over as Heritage Pistol Representative from Stuart Taylor and we thank Stuart – also for his continuing role with our Northern Group, along with Andrew Claxton.
The HBSA Miniature Rifle meeting on the Winans Range, run by Allan Kirk, is now a fixture in the shooting calendar, along with both of the Rook Rifle shoots, one of which Allan runs, and Paul Smith the other at Stourport.
The annual sporting rifle shoot, organized by me, now also seems a popular fixture in the calendar as an opportunity to shoot a wide variety of sporting arms.
At this point I would also like to thank all of the officers and volunteers who put in so much time for the HBSA and without whom we could not function. I have mentioned others by name elsewhere and now thank Chris Smith for all his work as HBSA Hon. Secretary.
We have David Frohnwieser assisted by Colin Page and his team to thank for organizing the splendid displays put on, both at our own events, and also shows and arms fairs. Without question this is important as an educational tool, advertising HBSA’s work, and in bringing in new members. A number of new members were interviewed at the Bisley fairs and British Shooting Show. We also attended, with an appropriate display, the visit of King Goodwill of the Zulu Nation to Brecon Barracks.
Our annual Section 7 pistol exhibition continues at Trafalgar. Thanks go to Ian Patrick for organizing that and to NRA’s support with the event.
We are glad to report that the steady flow of new members continues, notably from the above mentioned events.
Thanks to Chris Reid our Membership Secretary for staying on top of the administration of that, renewals, and other topics such as GDPR, requiring careful review.
I regularly attend NRA General Council meetings and we continue to have a close relationship with the NRA, who are very supportive of “Historics”. This includes the “Heritage Pistol” program on Cheylesmore range.
I write regular articles for NRA Journal, especially regarding historics and “Historic” meetings and notably, this year, about IHAM celebrating the 150th Imperial meeting
Our young members shoots organized by David Franklin Johnson and Maurice Kanareck continue. An important initiative, for which we thank them.
Neil Macfarlane continues in post of NRA “Historics” discipline representative and attends Shooting Committee meetings. We continue working together with NRA, both on current historic shooting and on the broader future of shooting historical arms going forward. NRA also work with us in providing support for their members applications for FAC variations when needed.
Attendances and entries at IHAM and Trafalgar meetings remain steady but are not growing as might be hoped.
Members around the Country have been catered for, as usual, by the Welsh Branch, the Northern Group, and the Wessex Group.
The Welsh Branch has again maintained its full and interesting lecture programme oriented towards summer months in view of their location, plus clay pigeon shooting when they are able, and occasional shoots on military ranges. The Chapel Bay Fort Museum is doing exceptionally well and receiving many visitors. Congratulations to Emma and George Geear.
The Northern Group continues its successful lecture programme at Royal Armouries. Their display stand for the fourth time at the Northern Shooting Show, was a great success, with increased visitors. Once again various police FLDs were present at the show and worked on applications and variations “face to face”. Thanks to Northern Group for its continuing efforts and success.
The Wessex group has also continued its local programme of meetings and talks, combined with social clay pigeon shooting.
What may be considered historic evolves with the passage of time, as does the process of preserving heritage for future generations. The work of both private collectors and museums, especially in collaboration and cooperation, with each other is most important.
HBSA has a highly respected status in this field, which we work hard to maintain, as well as the impetus in our continued mission of supporting collecting, studying, and researching historic arms, and preserving our heritage.
Derek Stimpson
September 2019
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Shooting programme for September 2019
posted 2 Sept 2019, 16:56 by Tony Cattermole
The midweek shoot is on 18th September on Century at 300 yards. Morning only.
The Mid Range Practice is on 22nd September we have one target morning and afternoon, 300yds AM and 500yds PM. This is a marked shoot so the fee is £15 for the morning or afternoon or £25.00 for all day.
The Mid Range competition is on the 29th September and is currently open for booking through the HBSA website
As yet I am not sure I will be able to make the 22nd. HELP please!!
I need an RO or preferably 2 to run the practice. If we can get 2 they can do morning/afternoon or both and shoot or not as required.
I would also like 2 assistant RO to help run the competition. Again this takes the strain off and allows others to shoot as well.
As ever your club needs you, both as participants and helpers.
Dave Carroll
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