News 3 Dec 2019 to 22 Jan 2020

Medical evidence for FAC/SGC applications posted 22 Jan 2020, 20:32 by Tony Cattermole [ updated 12 May 2020, 00:02 ] We currently await the Government response to the public consultation regarding medical evidence. Statutory Guidance will then be introduced. Meanwhile police FLDs have been concerned about engagement of GPs. Below I quote edited details from an email received from a specific police FLD and relating to the agenda for a stakeholders meeting late last year which I attended. The LMC is the “Local Medical Council” and you may contact/refer your GP to the local one if necessary. Whilst this was to police FLD the advice is general. The main police concern seems to be over the risk of non compliance or lack of engagement from some GPs in confirming the applicant’s suitability to hold a FAC or SGC. However it seems, from what we read below, that the BMA are now making it clear that this is a public interest issue, (indeed, public service and safety issue) and GPs must comply. This may help in talking to your FEO and your GP. We believe that this obviates the need to seek a letter from the GP submitted with the application and re-inforces the existing system (as per the current 2016 guidance) where the police FLD must engage with the GP upon receipt of the application. A form of mandatory obligation on the GP to engage with police is at the core of the matter. As HBSA and BSSC wrote in our response to the consultation, there is an obligation already on two of the three parties involved, but not on the third – the GPs. We hope that police forces can now be persuaded to follow the 2016 guidance until the new (statutory) guidance emerges from the results of the consultation and some form of obligation imposed upon the GPs. “As far as the LMC is concerned, any GP that conscientiously objects should do so in accordance with the BMA guidelines. Unfortunately, it was our experience during the first month that this was not the case for a small number of surgeries. We were contacted by a number of applicants (and shooting organisations) who requested our assistance in dealing with their surgeries who were conscientiously objecting and not providing any alternative provision. This was clearly not acceptable to the applicant, the police and the LMC. After consulting at length with the CEO of the LMC, he issued a letter at the beginning of September to all local surgeries that reiterated the BMA guidance, which makes it clear that the process of firearms licensing is in the public interest and refusal to engage with the process could place them at professional risk. However, he further explained that the BMA also makes it clear that individual GPs have a right to conscientiously object to providing a report on the basis of their personal and individual religious or ethical beliefs. The advice from the LMC to those GP’s who wish to exercise a conscientious objection to the holding of firearms is as follows: 1. GP’s must only declare a conscientious objection where they legitimately hold such a personal belief for religious or ethical reasons 2. GP’s must make their patients aware of the conscientious objection in advance, and explain it to them. It must be clearly visible in areas such as practice literature, notice boards and on the surgery website 3. GP’s must not discriminate between patients 4. GP’s should assist the patient in finding an alternative colleague who can complete the process for them, and must not obstruct their ability to do so 5. GP’s may not have a blanket practice policy on objecting to the process – The GMC defines conscientious objection as an individually held personal belief The legal view the LMC has obtained advises practices that deviating from the above advice places the GP at significant medicolegal and/or regulatory risk. The LMC has strongly advised practices to follow this guidance when exercising a conscientious objection, and in all other circumstances to comply with the medical process of firearms licensing which the LMC has negotiated with the police, in line with professional and statutory obligations. Since this advice has been issued we have been able to advise applicants accordingly and the LMC continues to assist the police and applicants in ensuring that GP surgeries comply with the BMA guidance and the medical process currently in place …. The local area has approximately 250 GP surgeries and so far we (the police) have identified 2.8% of surgeries who are conscientious objectors. As advised by the LMC, these surgeries should assist the applicant in finding an alternative colleague/surgery to complete the process. There are also a number of GP’s, locally and nationally, who are prepared to provide this service privately. Dr …. has been carrying out some work locally and we have both met with MedCert (a national service) in order to ensure that their processes are aligned with ours. This company is in its infancy but appears to provide a good service for all applicants, not just those who are having problems engaging with their GP’s, and their fees are very reasonable. Whilst we (the police) are unable to endorse this company we are satisfied that their processes do not impact on public safety and have already accepted GP pro forma’s from them. We are aware that there is another GP in Kent but attempts to contact him have not been successful.” Also attached is a recent article published in the Pull! Magazine November/December 2019, which was written by Laura Saunsbury, who is a solicitor that specialises in firearms licensing. In this article she mentions MedCert and also provides applicants with some practical advice on the pre medical application verification process. (With acknowledgement to Pull! and Laura Saunsbury). Derek Stimpson (Edit post) Website at posted 20 Jan 2020, 11:48 by Tony Cattermole We are delighted to bring good news about the award-winning website Dear all, I am pleased at last to be able to report that, albeit not yet completely set up as I would like, my website at has now been recovered from its attack by the dreadful ‘Pharmahack’ trojan, and is back online. My apologies to any who may have missed it in the several weeks it has taken to achieve this, and I hope it will prove of continuing use to fellow historic ‘miniature calibre’ rifle collectors and shooters for some time yet. There are now a number of new pages, for which I must particularly thank Jonathan Ferguson and all involved staff at the Royal Armouries and the NFC, and I am still updating and adding material, but it takes an enormous amount of time, so please don’t expect immediate miracles. Yours, Terence — Historic Arms Resource Centre ~ Miniature-Calibre Rifles Resource Site at WWW.RIFLEMAN.ORG.UK E-mail: (Edit post) January & February shooting programme posted 11 Jan 2020, 19:42 by Tony Cattermole [ updated 11 Jan 2020, 19:42 ] Dear Members Happy new year to one and all. Sorry this is a bit late but I have been away for the last month. January: Only one shoot, this Wednesday 15th January, at 300 yards on Century. One target self marking, all will be required to take a turn marking. February: We have the rifle practice at 100 yards on Short Siberia on Wednesday 19th. Again, self marking This is the chance to zero your rifles with and/or without bayonet (with RO permission) for the: Fixed Bayonet/No Bayonet competition on Sunday 23rd February. We have 3 targets with markers for this popular and fun competition. Booking is now open through the HBSA website >>>> All the best. Dave (Edit post) HBSA Long Range .22 Rimfire & Miniature Rifle competition Sunday 22 March posted 2 Jan 2020, 23:31 by Tony Cattermole [ updated 2 Jan 2020, 23:31 ] AT BISLEY (ALL DAY) This year’s Long Range .22rf and Miniature Rifle competition will take place on Short Siberia (200 yards am) and Century Ranges, (300 yards pm) at Bisley on Sun 22 March 2020. It is open to most classes of .22 rimfire rifles and Historic Miniature Rifles as well. The course of fire will consist of 2 sighters and 15 shots to count at both distances, with ‘warmers’ and ranging shots allowed before the sighters at both distances. For full details see the HBSA website – ‘Competitions’ ALL Entries must be online – there will be no ‘turning up and hoping to shoot’ ! Book up now ! Mike Townsend (Edit post) Stolen firearms posted 30 Dec 2019, 19:34 by Tony Cattermole [ updated 30 Dec 2019, 19:36 ] We just received news via FESAC of a collection that was stolen last Friday in Belgium. In the attached below you will find the list of stolen items. Please spread the word and look out for any of these items: a reward of Euro 2,500 is offered for the person whose information leads to the retrieving of the collection and/or catching the thief. Any information to myself or the secretary please. Derek Stimpson Note: Several P08 and P38 pistols are mentioned with only a brand and a serial number. That is not enough to uniquely identify a pistol. These were made in serial blocks of 10.000 for many years. To properly identify a P08 or P38, the chamber/production year must be included. Otherwise there is a good chance that pistols with the same serial number might wrongfully be identified as stolen. So caution is advised when a P08 or P38 with an identical serial number is found. (Edit post) | Attachments: Dec19_Gestolen_Wapens.pdf HBSA Christmas Wappenschaw Competition and Lunch – Sun 15TH December 2019 posted 16 Dec 2019, 23:26 by Tony Cattermole [ updated 16 Dec 2019, 23:44 ] Our annual Christmas shoot was held at 200 yards on Short Siberia range. As successfully tried out last year, it was again a 10 round ‘Smallest Group’ competition, but this time we had a separate zeroing target to enable everyone to be ‘on target’ when shooting for effect. Luckily, we experienced a hole in the awful wet weather of the past weeks and shot in clear sunny conditions with a gentle breeze. 24 entrants shot a wide variety of ‘Historic’ rifles in 4 Classes, sadly there was only one Large Bore BP rifle in use. Congratulations to all the Class winners, in particular Ross Stenner, Ian Thomas and Tony Cattermole with their excellent groups with ‘Iron Sights’ and to all those who competed and also helped out on the firing point, in the butts and with the stats. See the results here >>>> Our traditional ‘Steak and Kidney Pie’ lunch was held at the ATSC attended by 26 shooters and some Sect 7 members who were attending an afternoon lecture on revolvers. Next year’s Wappenschaw is booked for Sunday 6th December – mark your 2020 calendars now ! Mike Townsend PS. I don’t issue HBSA Prize Certificates – have look at the Website – it explains how to obtain one. (Edit post) Firearms Regulations 2019 and the Firearms (Amendment) (No. 2) Rules 2019 posted 11 Dec 2019, 23:37 by Tony Cattermole Members should note the circular below, with website links included, received from the Home Office on 9th December. This gives further details regarding the recent Statutory Instruments coming into force on the 12th December and covering the three points mentioned below. Please note the paragraph included in the documents in the website link:- “Deactivated firearm” means a firearm that has been deactivated in accordance with the technical specifications set out in the document published by the Secretary of State under section 8A(5) of the Firearms (Amendment) Act 1988 (controls on defectively deactivated weapons) which apply to that firearm. Firearms which were deactivated prior to 8 April 2016 are not covered by these provisions. Firearms Regulations 2019 and the Firearms (Amendment) (No. 2) Rules 2019 This e-mail is to advise you about amendments made under the Firearms Acts that introduce changes to the controls on firearms relating to: responsibility for secure storage arrangements in relation to certificate holders under the age of eighteen the particulars to be entered by firearms dealers into their register of transactions in order to reflect new marking requirements for firearms and essential component parts the notification of certain deactivated firearms held in the United Kingdom and their transfer Forms are available to notify the Secretary of State of possession, or transfer, of a deactivated firearm. Notification of transfers of a deactivated firearm to the appropriate national authority Notification of possession of a deactivated firearm to the appropriate national authority View the Home Office circular 010/2019 We are content for this message to be shared with your membership as necessary – noting that deactivated firearms notifications need to be sent to the dedicated in-box: Please also note the Home Office’s summary guide comments which may help clarify for better understanding :- Deactivated firearms acquired on or after 14 September 2018 – owners in possession of such deactivated firearms need to notify them now. Deactivated firearms acquired before 14 September 2018 – owners in possession of such deactivated firearms need to notify them by 14 March 2021. Any deactivated firearm being transferred (for a period of more than 14 days), regardless of when they were acquired, – needs to be notified and must meet current deactivation standards before being transferred. Derek Stimpson (Edit post) HBSA & Stourport on Severn Rook & Reindeer Christmas Charity Shoot posted 9 Dec 2019, 00:43 by Tony Cattermole [ updated 9 Dec 2019, 00:43 ] Stourport on Severn, Saturday 7th December 2019 Dear Competitors A very big thank you for taking part in our 4th Christmas Rook and Reindeer shoot in aid of charity. We were once again privileged to be able to use the range at Stourport on Severn which is an excellent venue; it provides a covered firing point with plenty of room for all. I would very much like to thank the Committee and Members of Stourport on Severn Rifle club for allowing us the use of their range, and all those who attended and supported a very worthy cause. The morning turned out to be the best day weather wise we have had for about 8 weeks, no wind, rain or fog. The Sun was out and the temperature was reasonable for the time of year. This year we attracted 14 entrants shooting in two categories, one for early Rim Rife rifles and the other for Central Fire (Rook) rifles. The same targets where used for both matches, a rather splendid Rook complete with Top Hat was the 25m target and a Reindeer was used at 50m Both targets are a difficult with open sights but everyone stepped up to the challenge and had a most enjoyable morning. See results here >>> Match 1 was won by Paul Smith achieving a score of 70 shooting a BSA WOPM Match 2 was won by Phil Carter achieving a score of 81 shooting a BSA Cadet Rifle in .310 calibre. During the morning Tea, Coffee some excellent biscuits and a stupendous cake were provided by Fred Boulton and Chris Gray from the Stourport Club. Special thanks to Mrs Boulton who made the biscuits. As a result of the entrance fees, donated prize money etc. a grand total of £180 was raised for Macmillan Cancer Support. I would like to wish all those who took part a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year And thank you all for your continued support. Finally. I hope everyone had a good day and that we see you all next year for the annual Rook & Rabbit Shoot – Stourport on Severn 3rd October 2020 Best Regards Paul Smith (Edit post) HBSA Christmas Wappenschaw Competition and Lunch – Sun 15 Dec 2019 posted 6 Dec 2019, 11:35 by Tony Cattermole [ updated 6 Dec 2019, 11:36 ] The closing date (10th December) for entry to our popular Christmas shoot and lunch is rapidly approaching. See the HBSA website ‘Competitions’ section for full details – all entries are strictly online. I hope to see you there. Don’t delay, enter today ! Mike Townsend (Edit post) NRA update re ranges in Wales and West Midlands posted 3 Dec 2019, 10:15 by Tony Cattermole [ updated 3 Dec 2019, 10:15 ] Members can see the updated situation posted on the NRA website at the following link:-
Mod Ranges in Wales and West Midlands
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