posted 11 Jul 2021, 22:52 by Tony Cattermole [ updated 11 Jul 2021, 22:52 ]
Wednesday July 21st Midweek shoot. Morning only Short Siberia 100 yds self marking.
Sunday August 15th HBSA Smallbore Meeting Winans Bays A and B. Whilst this normally runs as a two day event we were unable to get a whole weekend due to range availability, this year Sunday only, 8.30 to 17.30. Booking will be online only – watch our website for booking arrangements.
Please support this shoot as it is quite expensive to hire Winans Range both bays for the day.
Wednesday August 18th Midweek shoot. Century 300 yds, we will employ a marker for this (assuming I can get one).
Please let me know if you are coming to either of the Wednesday Shoots.
posted 8 Jul 2021, 21:48 by Tony Cattermole [ updated 8 Jul 2021, 21:48 ]
Members should take note of the following NRA notice:
Dear NRA Member
Incidents involving hand loaded ammunition
The NRA recognises that hand loaded ammunition may perform more consistently than factory rounds and is widely used by members striving to improve marksmanship; also it may be the only source of ammunition for historic or uncommon calibres. A large number of hand loaded rounds are fired every year without incident throughout the UK.
Unfortunately ammunition incidents do occur and in recent weeks two members have sustained significant injuries as a result of breech explosions. Technical investigations are ongoing; the initial evidence suggests the underlying cause in both incidents was a failure of hand loaded ammunition. In one incident it appears that an under charged case caused a gross pressure spike. The likely cause was inadequate control and assurance process in the assembly of the ammunition.
The NRA advises that hand loaded ammunition should only be produced in accordance with up to date load data published by a reputable source. Equipment including presses, measuring tools etc. should only be used in accordance with the manufacturers operating instructions. Training is important; the NRA provides a hand loading course with an emphasis on safety.
Members are reminded that a key element of the NRA Safe Shooting System is Safe Equipment; the individual is responsible for ensuring that his/her firearm is serviceable and the combination of firearm and ammunition is safe. The NRA Rules Appendix VI detail the responsibilities of individual shooters using hand loaded ammunition.
The 2021 NRA Handbook is available to download here
posted 8 Jul 2021, 21:08 by Tony Cattermole [ updated 8 Jul 2021, 21:08 ]
posted 4 Jul 2021, 00:12 by Tony Cattermole [ updated 4 Jul 2021, 13:33 ]
Members may wish to respond as individuals to this appeal and support a shooting club under threat:
Members should avoid diatribe, and offer measured and reasoned support for the club’s right to be offered an acceptable alternative location at which to continue their valuable service to their community.
posted 25 Jun 2021, 18:50 by Tony Cattermole [ updated 25 Jun 2021, 18:50 ]
We have been in touch with the Home Office following the Statutory Instrument coming into force and brought to their attention that a category of cartridges for vintage shotguns, punt guns and rifles mentioned in the “Guide” itself, was inadvertently omitted from the Regulations.
The following is their response regarding amending the omission. They also make reference to updating the non statutory guidance (long overdue). We expect to see some helpful information added, including reference to alternative descriptions for certain cartridges.
As mentioned, please remember that the transition period ends on 21st September.
As a matter of interest, we also note that benefit is being taken by collectors from the 23 cartridges added to the obsolete list.
Best wishes
Derek Stimpson
Antique Firearms Regulations 2021
Although the Schedule to the Regulations correctly includes specific standard cartridges for these firearms (as set out in para 8.9(e) of the Home Office guidance), it does not include the phrase “with bores greater than 10”, which would catch any non-standard or customised cartridges.
There were no issues identified with these types of cartridge and their associated firearms during the 2017 public consultation and it was always intended to include them in the Regulations as qualifying for the exemption from licensing as antique firearms.
We shall therefore be amending the Regulations to correct this omission, so that owners of the firearms affected will not have to license them before the end of the current transition period on 22 September 2021. Unfortunately, it won’t be possible to do so before the Autumn, and that will mean there will be a short gap of a couple of months between the end of the transition period on 22 September and the amendment coming into force. We are looking to bridge this gap by extending the transition period in respect of the affected firearms (ie, vintage rifles, punt guns and shotguns with bores greater than 10) which should avoid the need for unnecessary applications for certificates.
We are in touch with ACC Dave Orford about this issue and have asked him to bring it to the attention of police forces. We have suggested that should any police force receive an application in respect of the affected firearms, they just hold onto it until the amendment has come into force, at which point it can be cancelled and the applicant informed. This should avoid unnecessary work and expense.
While we are having to amend the Regulations we will also take the opportunity to make some minor, typographical corrections to some of the cartridge descriptions in the Schedule.
We hope the above is useful and will help you field any queries from your members. Please feel free to share with other organisations that you think should be made aware.
We are presently updating the non-statutory Home Office guidance, which will set out the new legislation on antique firearms and we will also look to include some additional helpful information in respect of the 2021 Regulations.
We shall be in touch in the next few weeks about doing some further comms work aimed at owners of firearms that ceased to be antique following the 2021 Regulations. We think it would be helpful to put out a reminder that they have only until 21 September in which to licence or otherwise dispose of such firearms. We shall put something to this effect on and it would be helpful if the various shooting/collecting/museum organisations could do something similar on their websites, newsletters etc (as they kindly did at the beginning of the transition period in March) to spread the word as widely as possible. “
posted 23 Jun 2021, 17:43 by Tony Cattermole [ updated 23 Jun 2021, 17:43 ]
Whilst we are now working with the UK Government, post Brexit, on the issue of Lead, members may wish to see the following from FACE Brussels and what EU will have to deal with.
Derek Stimpson
Media article on ECHA’s restriction report:
Please see an article promoted by the European Shooting Sports Forum (ESSF) publish in Brussels media about the lead ban:
It highlights some of the main issues with the lead ban proposals by ECHA and can be shared by FACE Members at national level.
posted 21 Jun 2021, 21:35 by Tony Cattermole [ updated 21 Jun 2021, 21:49 ]
The annual “1910” competition was shot today (20/06/2021). The weather was overcast with some light drizzle early on, luckily the rain held off for the morning. Very little wind, a pall of black powder smoke lingering on the firing point. All in all, reasonable weather for shooting.
I was going to say “unusually” the target shed had put out the correct targets, however, looking at the report from 2019 we had the correct targets then as well. Well done to them, that is two in a row!
Due to the lockdown we could not run the competition in 2020.
The competitor number this year was 13 with one unable to attend (we had 9 shooters in 2019). This translates to 30 deliberate prone slots and some 35 snaps/rapids slots. We managed to shoot all the prone slots. There seems to be a reluctance to shoot snaps and rapids early on leaving that target empty, this resulted in 2 or 3 being unable to complete their quota in the allotted time. We may need to limit the entry for these slightly next year.
Many thanks go to Tony Cattermole, not just for his hard work on the day (running the snaps and rapids is a very active role), but also for his extensive work in the background running the website and online booking system.
I hope a pleasant shoot was had by all.
David Carroll
posted 12 Jun 2021, 12:57 by Tony Cattermole [ updated 12 Jun 2021, 13:05 ]
Mid-Range Rifle Championship
Open Meeting Sunday 26th September 2021
300 & 500 Yards
Classes for Vintage, Classic, Veteran and Post Veteran First generation 7.62mm Service and Target Rifles
A practice shoot has also been booked for Sunday 19th September, 300am 500pm.
Dear Members,
Unfortunately, due to the continuing issues related to Covid-19 the HBSA shooting practice organisers have not been able to schedule a Long-Range Match for 2021, but every effort is being made to run the Mid-Range event.
It is a constant battle to keep all of our shooting events viable which means places are limited, entry fees have have been capped at £25 per match or £45 for two, this is in spite of the fact that range hire fees have increased.
Your support is crucial to this meeting, without you it will cease to exist.
The Mid-Range Championship Meeting will be held at Bisley on Century ranges on Sunday 26th September.
This match is run by a very small group of volunteers as are all the events organized by the HBSA.
Paul Smith will be acting as Match organizer.
A Match Range Officer is required, please contact David Carrol to volunteer your services.
This event is intended to encourage the use of Service and Target rifles which fall into one of the following categories Vintage, Classic, Veteran and Post Veteran.
Under competitive conditions but mainly to have an enjoyable day shooting alongside other like minded individuals.
If you have not previously attended this meeting come and have a go, we are always ready to assist and encourage new comers.
If you own a suitable rifle come and have a go, you never know you may well show us all how it should be done.
There are classes for just about every type of Historic Rifle.
Further information and match details can be found on the HBSA Website or obtained from Paul Smith
Please refer to the HBSA website for the most up to date information regarding range bookings etc.
posted 2 Jun 2021, 23:57 by Tony Cattermole [ updated 2 Jun 2021, 23:58 ]
I attended the FESAC AGM by video conference on the 16th May. The Chairman’s, Vice Chairman’s, Treasurer’s and Secretary’s reports were presented, as were individual Country reports that had been submitted.
There was discussion on the application of the EU Directive in each country and on ECHA and the prospective lead in ammunition ban. The minutes covering all this will be made available in due course together with the country reports.
My UK report is attached >>>>. The BSSC Legislative Report referenced is the one already on our website and in “Report”.
Derek Stimpson
posted 21 May 2021, 23:35 by Tony Cattermole [ updated 22 May 2021, 00:00 ]
On Sunday May 2nd, the first Bank Holiday after lockdown, 9 shooters braved the displeasure of their families to shoot in the HBSA Rook and Rabbit Rifle competition at Bisley. The weather was fine and a good time was had by all. There were numerous socially distanced conversations and some shooting. Sorry, that should have been the other way round, the chat was incidental, the shooting was good but somehow rifles unused in lockdown lose accuracy and constant practice is needed to get good scores.
The format was modified for social distancing and the Rule of Six so there were only 16 slots and shooter numbers were far less than previous years. That being said, a good selection of aged rifles showed their mettle – 11 BSAs including two 310 Cadets, 3 double hammers and variety of other diminutive rifles made well before any of us were born.
The scores are posted on the HBSA website here >>>>