Classic Musketry Competition

The Musketry competition is intended for general issue service rifles that were used during the Great War 1914-1918, as issued.

SMLE Mk.I to IV, Patt’14, Gew98, French M1886 (Lebel), US M1917, US M1903 (Springfield) and Ross M1910 as examples.

As HBSA Rules 1995. However, orthoptic accessories may be used.

Fixed ammunition only shall be used, wiping-out the barrel is not permitted: a sling (two-point or “as-issued”) may be used, but not a rest: sights may be adjusted laterally.

Competitors must produce a valid NRA Safety & Competency Certificate before they will be permitted to shoot.


One Fig12 or DP equivalent target at 200 yards.


  • Two sighting shots individually marked
  • Deliberate & Volley
    • Five deliberate shots individually marked
    • Reload with 5 rounds
    • Five individual rounds shot on a command from the RCO (Volley fire)
  • Snap & Rapid
    • Five exposures of 3 seconds one snap shot per exposure
    • Reload with 5 rounds
  • One exposure of 20 seconds to fire 5 rounds (Rapid fire)


HBSA Prize Certificates for the overall winner and for second & third places (depending upon the number of entries).


Three match cards will be included in the match fee, additional cards will be available for purchase on the day provided space is available. Competitors should report at the firing point and collect their match cards, they will then be requested to join the waiting list until called forward by the RCO to shoot. Whilst waiting competitors are requested to be fully ready to shoot when called upon. Competitors will be squadded two or three to a target those not firing in a Detail may be required to act as Range Officers. Latecomers may miss their opportunity to shoot.