HBSA Long Range .22 Rimfire and Historic Miniature Rifle Competition

No. of entries
Target type
HBSA No. or pay green fee
Competitor's Name


  • An Open competition at 200yards and 300 for all ages of Rimfire and Historic Miniature rifles
  • Multiple entries with different rifles are encouraged


  • Competitors must produce an NRA Shooter Competency Certificate before they will be permitted to shoot
  • HBSA Rules 1995 apply. However, orthoptic accessories, a padded glove and a sling may be used
  • All firearms must be appropriately licensed and be “in proof” for the ammunition to be used
  • In MRSB classes, a wrist rest may be used , but the butt of the rifle may not be rested nor touch the ground
  • In Historic classes, a stiff shooting jacket is permissible but must be worn unbuttoned
  • Firing position is prone or supine, but disabled competitors so registered with the NRA may use a table and chair or stool from which to shoot on the firing point
  • Details are limited to 40 minutes, and the time allowed for each shot will be 45 seconds (NRA Rule 351)
  • Multiple entries with different rifles (max. 2) are encouraged
  • Match or string shooting may be chosen by mutual consent

DISTANCES: 200 yards and 300 yards

TARGETS: NRA/HBSA Historic 200 & 300 yard Round Bull or Tin Hat ( please choose when you book)


  • Before each detail commences, one minute will be allowed for blow-off (warming) shots into the stop butt
  • Up to THREE marked practice shots
  • TWO convertible sighters
  • FIFTEEN shots to count


  • HISTORIC MRSB: Classic & Veteran Miniature Rimfire Rifles with ANY contemporaneous sights
  • HISTORIC TRSB: Classic & Veteran Miniature Rimfire Rifles with IRON contemporaneous sights
    (no wrist rest permitted)
  • MRSB: Any 22RF rifle, any sights
  • TRSB: Any 22RF rifle, iron sights only (no wrist rest permitted)
  • SRSB: Classic & Veteran Miniature Bore Training & Converted Service Rifles
    (0.22”rf, .297”/.230”, .310” Cadet &c, service pattern sights only, no wrist rest permitted )


Commemorative Certificate for winner of each Class and for lower places dependent upon the number of entries.


The Matches are squadded: competitors should report at the firing point ten minutes before your shooting time. Those not firing in a Detail may be required to act as Range Officers. Latecomers may not be able to shoot.