Stourport on Severn Pistol & Rifle Club
Minster Road Stourport on Severn Worcestershire
This Charity Shoot is in aid of the MacMillan fund and will be held at Stourport on Severn <directions>.
The event is generally intended for traditional British single shot Rook & Rabbit sporting rifles (and their foreign equivalents) from the 1865-1914 period.
Full-stocked military training rifles such as .310 Cadets and .22 WO Training rifles are welcome. Additionally for this event the end date has been extended to 1960, therefore later Central Fire and Rim Rifles Rook are also welcome.
Firstly I must apologize for messing about with the date for this shoot. Following various discussions we have reverted to the original date for this event.
The date is Saturday 3rd December and I am sending this out now to ensure that we don’t have any missunderstandings.
Please enter ASAP as it does make life easier for me, especially at the moment as I am now the chief cook, bottle washer and Taxi driver amongst other things.
As always please pass this on to anyone who may be interested.
If you cannot attend but wish to contribute to the Charity please do so.