British Shooting Sports Council Secretary position

posted 16 July 2024, 2:21 pm

BSSC decided at a recent meeting to advertise the following post to the individual members of its Member Associations.

As members will know HBSA, together with NRA, NSRA, CPSA, MLAGB, GTA, BASC, Countryside Alliance and other associations are members of British Shooting Sports Council (BSSC).

The aim of the British Shooting Sports Council is to promote and safeguard the lawful use of firearms and air weapons for sporting and recreational purposes in the UK, and BSSC is therefore engaged in the representation of shooting sports at both national and international level.

The present Secretary, Graham Downing, is retiring later this year and BSSC is seeking candidates to take on this important position. The Secretary’s role is part-time and remunerated.

For further details about the role of BSSC Secretary please contact BSSC Vice Chairman Derek Stimpson by email at with a brief introduction explaining why you are interested in this challenging and interesting position.