50th Anniversary Celebrations updates
Further to the published article in Report about our 50th Anniversary celebrations at Bisley on Saturday the 23rd of September, please note the following details and instructions.
Lectures: We will hold two lectures on the day at the Commonwealth Club.
- The first will be titled “Not run of the mill Martinis” and will be delivered by Martin Hinchcliffe. This should commence at about 10:30 for an hour with a Q&A to follow.
- The second lecture will be delivered after lunch by Ian Patrick on the subject of “The Sten 9mm Machine Carbine”; duration 1 ½ Hours plus Q&A.
Please note that seating is restricted at the Commonwealth Club and your place should be booked by emailing Molly Milner at section.7.3@hbsa-uk.org
Refreshments and a light lunch will be provided.
Shooting: At the same time David Carroll will be managing a shooting exhibition/show and tell/have a go (subject to licencing) at 600 Yards Century range. Members are encouraged to bring unusual or fine arms for display or use.
Exhibition: David Frohnwieser and his team will be managing an exhibition with an extensive display of military and sporting firearms adjacent to the 600 yd firing point.
Celebratory Buffet Carvery: Tickets for the celebratory buffet carvery at the Council Club (the HQ of Bisley Shooing Ground) are now available.
Drinks from 18:00, dinner at 19.00, carriages at 23.00.
The men’s dress code will be lounge suit or jacket with tie.
There will be a cash bar.
Tickets are available to purchase here >>>>