2024 Bisley rook & Rabbit Comp results
On April 21st thirteen brave shooters, including some very welcome new faces, formed up at 09:00 on Bisley’s Time Limit Range to shoot the annual HBSA Rook and Rabbit competition.
They brought and shot a wide variety of historic firearms which performed remarkably well creating some very creditable scores. Several shooters lost points as their sights were slightly off or hard to see. We need more practice under the same conditions as the competition which is difficult unless there is a suitable range close to home.
The Match Results may be viewed here >>>>
The rifles shot included specimens from famous names Greener, Holland & Holland, Wesley Richards, BSA, E M Reilley, Stephen Grant, Leeson, Vickers, Bott and Pape as well as some cousins from overseas makers Quackenbush, Schmidt Rubin, Colt, Browning and Winchester.
In addition to the usual HBSA Certificates custom printed mugs (eBay £5, heirloom quality) were awarded for the oldest rifle and the most obscure cartridge used in the competition. As few rifles are accurately date stamped and obscure cartridge is so subjective this needs consideration before next time. That having been said, I bought the mugs so I awarded them to –
Oldest Rifle – Tony Cattermole with an E M Reilley break action Rook Rifle in .380 c1860
Obscure Cartridge – Gavin Moffat for shooting rifles in .32 and 38 Long calibres which need “much dedication” to load.
Two shooters brought early transition rifles seeking help and advice. A Berringer’s patent turret carbine and a Princes Patent rotating barrel percussion rifle. It is a testament to the HBSA that anyone knew what they were never mind providing the detailed background and history that came out.
The shoot concluded in the early afternoon, all the 9 shooter details were full.